Welcome to a New Year here is Homeschool Resources forteaching our students in Homeschool this month.

January 3 – King Tut’s Sarcophagus Uncovered (1924)-Though this Lesson our children can learn about Pharaohs.
January 4 – World Braille Day is celebrated today because its Louis Braille’s birthday. On this day in our Reading Class Charlie will also be studying Helen Keller. Charlie has chosen Helen Keller (Kids Can Read) to read today.
January 11 – Grand Canyon Becomes National Monument (1908)– check out this Lesson Plan on the Grand Canyon. Then check out the Virtual Tour of the Grand Canyon.
January 15 – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday-come check out these Lesson Plans/ Unit Studies on MLK. Then look up his Martin Luther King Junior I Have A Dream Speech.
January 20 – National Penguin Day Don’t forget to visit the Zoo to see Penguin’s in person.
January 26 – First Television Demonstration (1926)–
January 31 – Jackie Robinson’s Birthday-Take a Field Trip today to a Baseball Game. Or host a Party at home and read books on Jackie Robinson like Who Was Jackie Robinson? Watch 42 The Jackie Robinson Story. Don’t forget if your children are taking a Homeschool Cooking Class to make snacks Jackie Robinson liked to eat or that you would find at a Baseball Game.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates