Good morning, as we move through the day, I wanted to bring you our Homeschool Resources: Resources: Engineering, Dinosaurs, Coding and Chemistry. I wanted to ask you to take a look at the websites below and let me know if you’ve used them with your students.

Help your child bridge the gap between STEM education and application. Each Growin’GEERS challenge helps to connect an engineering concept to problems that people face regularly. Register for an exclusive coupon for the Growin’GEERS subscription for up to five household users for only $69. Dinosaurs for Kids– Grades PreK-5, with parental supervision
There is just something about dinosaurs that really appeals to children. This Google-ad-supported website offers all kinds of free information on Dinosaurs – and it’s designed just for kids. (Non-readers will need assistance. Aspects of this site will appeal to older students and adults as well.)
When you get to the site, you’ll see an introduction. Then use the menu on the left side of the page to view:
- Top Dinosaurs
- Dino Facts
- Fun
The site features early dinosaurs, large and small meat eaters, plant eaters, bird-footed dinosaurs, armored dinosaurs, horned dinosaurs and more! Play an assortment of dinosaur-themed games. Print and trace your very own dinosaur. And more!
This site holds lots of virtual treasures for your family’s budding paleontologist.

If you are looking for an easy way to teach Digital Technologies at home or have a child that dreams of creating websites then check out Code Avengers, a digital learning platform that teaches how to code websites, apps, games, and more.
Chemistry Comes Alive: Chemistry Experiment Video Collection-Ages 10 & up, with PARENTAL SUPERVISION.

Chemistry Comes Alive: Chemistry Experiment Video Collection offers free video clips of various Chemistry Experiments along with explanations of the Science behind them. This “Chemistry Video Collection” from the Journal of Chemical Education is entertaining and sure to ignite interest in this fascinating branch of Science. The Science explanations here are geared for Middle School or High School level and up, but many of the Experiments are fun to watch regardless of age.
NOTE: While the experiments in the videos are conducted in controlled and safe laboratories, they are dangerous and involve explosions. AS ALWAYS, parents should preview the videos to determine the suitability of content. If you watch the videos with your children, be certain they know to NEVER try these experiments at home.
When you get to the site, you’ll see the videos listed down the center of the screen. You can also choose the most popular videos in the lists on the right of the screen. Click on a video and click start to begin. Turn on your speakers to listen to the narration of the experiment. Some of the experiments include:
- Reaction of sodium and chlorine
- The Chemistry of Outer Space
- See An Explosion Caused by a Feather
- Watch What Happens When You Mix Sodium with Acid
- Electrolysis of silver nitrate
- Dehydration of sucrose with sulfuric acid
Again, these are fascinating experiments to watch and may jumpstart interest in chemistry.
Find more Homeschool Resources from The Mommies Reviews
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates