Homeschool Resources: COVID-19

The Mommies Reviews

Now, that we have been inside for a while are your your students asking you about COVID-19? Charlie, hasn’t been but I know its bothering him and has Charlie’s sleep pattern all messed up.

If you child is like Charlie they are curious by nature,. With all that’s going on in the U.S. and around the world, your children might be asking lots of questions.

While we’re not doctors, were able to help by sharing basic knowledge of how the body works,when you’re helping to explain to them what’s going on.

I would like to ask you to use these helpful tips and videos to make sure you’re sharing with your students.



While bacteria can be harmful, teach kids bout the bacteria that makes our world a healthier place.


Extreme Weather

Teach about these tiny critters that live in, on, and around us–and outnumber the cells of the human body 100 to 1.



Teach kids about the history of humans and their battle against germs.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates