Good morning, there is times when Homeschooling can become boring, and the kids become tired of their classroom and the books there working out of. I would like to share Homeschool Resources: cotopaxi FREE Llama Sticker Now that they can order FREE Llama Sticker from Cotopaxi allowing you to decorate everything in sight.
Then for the walls you can color these free Lama coloring pages to decorate your classroom.

For reading time I found this cute children’s book Llama Llama Loves to Read

Anna Dewdney’s Bestselling Llama Llama series continues with Llama learning to read!
Llama Llama learns at school.
Counting, writing, reading, rules.
Friends and school — there’s nothing better.
Llama learning all the letters!
Anna Dewdney’s beloved Llama Llama is growing up and learning to read! Throughout the school day, the teacher helps Llama Llama and the other children practice their letters, shows word cards, reads stories, and brings them to the library where they can all choose a favorite book. By the end of the day, Llama Llama is recognizing words and can’t wait to show Mama Llama that he’s becoming a reader!

Anna Dewdney was an award-winning children’s-book author, illustrator, teacher, mother, and enthusiastic proponent of literacy and reading aloud to children. She was the author of the bestselling Llama Llama Red Pajama series of picturebooks, among many others. She lived with her partner Reed Duncan in Vermont where she worked, gardened, and spent time with her daughters and dogs. Anna died in 2016.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates