Good morning, I wanted to share Math Homeschool Resources: Homeschool Resources: Catchup Math and MoMath. If you have used these resources leave me a comment and let me know what you liked or disliked.

Does your student have an area in their math study that needs improvement? Catchup Math can be used as a complete math curriculum or to find learning gaps and refresh them with lessons, videos, practice, and activities. Available as a 3-month or 1-year subscription.

Grades 5 and up, with parental supervision This activity page is from the real-life Museum of Mathematics in New York. The museum is dedicated to “revealing the wonders of mathematics” to the general public through exhibits and activities that stimulate inquiry and spark curiosity.
The museum also sells products, but you don’t have to purchase a thing to explore the activities.
When you get to the site, you’ll see a menu of activities and puzzles including:
- Pi Puzzle
- Patriotic Puzzles
- Fold and Cut
- Bead Geometry
- Pipe Cleaner Algorithms
- And more!
Follow the instructions and/or print out the PDF for folding, cutting, etc.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates