Homeschool Resources:

The Mommies Reviews
Homeschooling Resources
  1. Charlie and I were able to visit a Aquarium in Dallas last week and Charlie hasn’t stopped talking about our visit. To keep the learning going this week Charlie and I will be studying what Creatures live in the Ocean? Would you like to join us in out Studies?
  2. Charlie and I haven’t studied Geography in our classes yet but we plan on starting this week. To begin our studies we will be studying Geography of South America.
  3. We all know Charlie loves Animals of all kinds but Charlie’s favorite Animals are Dogs which we will be studying this week. I thought you might want to check out From Puppy to Adult. If you have a dog come share a picture of your puppy with us.
  4. Have you even thought what the Settlers went through when preparing for a Expedition? Now you can see what all they faced through Preparing for the Expedition.
  5. Or you can share the Written Language with your students showing what your face shows at different times.
  6. For fun you and your students can learn what it would take to become a Knight.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates