Charlie loves Basketball and if he could he would eat, sleep and dream basketball like he used to do with Wrestling. Which is why I wanted to share another post for A Day In Grapevine Mills Mall and a Homeschool Resource: Shoot 360 Basketball which I hadn’t heard about until we visit the Mall. Would you like to join Charlie and I here for a Field Trip?

Spurred by a couple of decades of coaching at various levels and wanting to help his own kids play the game of basketball better, Shoot 360 Founder Craig Moody became interested in the fast emergence of technology in sports being used to help players at all levels improve their skill. Knowing that the excitement of an imaginative and immersive experience in the video gaming world was where people of all ages and especially kids spent a majority of their free time. Craig, along with partners Kirk Hendricks, Jurgen Achterbosch and Steve Landis set out on a journey to bring basketball training, technology, and video gaming together for the ultimate basketball training and competition experience.
Passionate about the game of basketball we have focused on raising the bar for basketball training and competition on a global level. Our passion for the game has fueled our progress in developing the most technologically advanced and immersive basketball training and competition experience in the world. Powerful training tools and performance metrics used to measure improvement are instantly at our member’s fingertips and real-time virtual training and competition is no longer a concept it is a reality.
Our story has only begun to unfold as we continue to test the limits of what technology and innovation can do in the world of basketball. Soon people all over the world will be able to experience training and competition the Shoot 360 way.
Craig Moody, Shoot 360 Founder
Check out the experience here:
Monday to Friday 2PM – 10PM
Saturday 10AM – 8PM
Sunday 10AM – 6PM
Awesome place
Thank you,