Homeschool Resource Person Curriculum

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie will be in 3rd grade this year and were looking for resources to use with Five In A Row. I’m not 100% percent sure Charlie learned all he needed to in 2nd grade.

I may still mix in 2nd grade work along with his 3rd grade studies. I want to make sure Charlie has learned all he needs to know and  hopefully be ahead for 4th grade.

I’m pretty sure he will return to public school next year or at least that is the plan now.  I would like to bring you another Homeschool Resource Person Curriculum.

I haven’t used Person Curriculum or there resources on there website. Neither has anyone I know. I like how Person Curriculum gives us a description of what each grade will be teaching. Not only that there is free resources on the site for us.

I would like to invite you to  check out Person Curriculum. Once there click on the grade your student is in and look at the what it tells you they should be studying. This will tell you what  they will learn. Then come back and share with me what you think about Person Curriculum.

Charlie will be  in 3rd grade this year and this is what I learned from Pearson and the things Charlie should know.

Third grade homeschool curriculum focuses on what your child already knows and allows us to move  to the next level. For Charlie this is perfect as it allows us to go back through things he may not remember.

Many kids at this age have a keen interest in how things are put together, the child may develop an interest in rules and logic. Charlie is fascinated with Robots and how they work.

Charlie loves taking things apart and putting them back together again. I can tell you Person Curriculum might be the perfect addition to our homeschool classroom.

Third-graders also tend to be full of enthusiasm, sometimes at the expense of patience. With Charlie this is very true  he has ADHD and ends up frustrated and angry a lot of the time. If we do things slower and in smaller steps and take breaks it works out much better for Charlie.

Charlie is hesitant in approaching more difficult assignments especially in Math. We try and break the project into smaller, more manageable chunks. Not only do I have to teach Charlie new ways to approach challenges to develop his  reasoning skills and build confidence but also myself as I end up frustrated when I do not feel like Charlie is learning the things he needs to learn.

I would like to remind you to keep in mind your child’s learning style will evolve as they develop and as they are presented with more advanced material. Every child learns differently.

I would like to invite you to check out Person Curriculum. If you join there website for free you will receive a coupon to help you save money on anything you purchase through there website.

As for what a 3rd grader Pearson offers Math, Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts.  I can’t wait to check into these resources and see if there are items I should purchase for Charlie.

My question for you is have you used Person Curriculum in your school? If so which classes did you use Pearson for? How well did you like this website or dislike it? If you haven’t used Person Curriculum would you want to and why or why not?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates