Homeschool Resource: LIFE: Rocky 45th Anniversary Magazine

The Mommies Reviews

I’ve always loved Movies and sharing the movies from when I was younger with Charlie including all the Rocky films starring Sylvester Stallone. As soon as I saw Life magazine in our local grocery store celebrating LIFE: Rocky 45th Anniversary Magazine. I knew it would make a fun Lesson Plan for Charlie. Come check out our latest Homeschool Resource: Rocky.

LIFE: Rocky 45th Anniversary Magazine

Rocky Balboa, the underdog palooka who boxed his way to box office super-success, burst into popular culture in 1976. Now 45 years later, “Yo, Adrian” has joined the very short list of very short quotes that are instantly identifiable with a classic character from a classic film. Tourists still run the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Marching bands play “Gonna Fly Now” as halftime entertainment. High school football teams get crazy-eyed to “Eye of the Tiger.” LIFE: Rocky looks back at the story conceived by actor and writer Sylvester Stallone—and the iconic 8-film franchise it has become—and celebrates Rocky’s friends, his foes, his fights and the songs and scenes that endure today.

Life Magazine


Life, Rocky, Sylvester Stallone, Enduring, Masterpiece, The Scenes, The Characters, The Music, Creed The Spirit Lives On, Underdog, Fighter, Champion, Apollo Creed, Anniversary, Magazine, Underdog, Palooka, Box Office, Culture, “yo Aidrian”, Quotes, Movies, Entertainment, Boxing, Tourists, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Marching Bands, “Gonna Fly Now” “Eye of the Tiger” Conceived, 8-film Francise, Fights, Life Magazine, Songs, Boxing Gloves, Trunks, Ring, Bar, Cemetary, Death, Friends, Family, Fish, Walking, Running, Exercising, Wife, Son, Marriage, Food


Write your spelling words 5 times each inside your Spelling Journal in ABC order.


Use your Spelling words in a story or in sentences inside your Spelling Journal. If you write a story include an illustration for the story.

Reading Class:

Charlie will be reading LIFE: Rocky 45th Anniversary Magazine and Rocky: The Ultimate Guide. Each day for 30 minutes and then writing 2 factshe learns in his Writing/ Reading Journal.

For your students you can take them on a Field Trip to your local bookstore or Library to check out books about the movie as well as the Movies to watch. Or you can purchase the books online like we did on Amazon.

Math Class:

Look up how many movies of Rocky there is.

How many actors was in the movie.

How much did each movie make?

How many awards did they win.

Or come up with your own questions based on the movie and turn the answers into 5 math problems for your student to work. Then have them create 5 math problems for you to work. Then have your student write the math problems inside his Math Journal.


Watch a Boxing Match on Tv and practice some of the moves you see.

For a Field Trip take a trip to a Boxing Gym and take a class or two.

For a Field Trip visit a Sporting Goods store and look for the items you would need if you planned on joining a boxing team.


As you’re watching the movie look for any foods or drinks, they drink. Ten make these items for your guests to drink when watching the movie. If you don’t see any food or beverages in the movie, then look up the State the movie takes place in and fix the dish that State is famous for. For a Field Trip take a trip to your local grocery store to pick up the ingredients and beverages you plan on serving.

For dessert you could pick up ingredients for Cookies and make them into shapes you see in the movie like Boxing Gloves, and so on.

Art :

Create a piece of Art based on what you learned from Rocky using different styles of art and supplies. Write a description of your piece of Art inside your Art Journal.


Watch the Rocky movie and pick out a scene to perform for your parents. Write a description of your performance in your Drama Journal.


Look up the Soundtrack for Rocky and choose one song to learn and perform for your parents. For a Field Trip ask your parents to take you to a Retail Store or Vintage Clothing Store and pick out clothes they would have worn in the Rocky Movie for your performance.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates