Charlie isn’t one to enjoy reading and finding things that he will actually sit down and read is so hard. I might have found a magazine that will interest Charlie. I plan on signing my niece Jaso who is 8 and my niece Lily who is 6 up for LEGO® Life Magazine which they can share with Charlie. Because all three of them love Lego’s and will be able to read together getting Charlie’s homeschool reading down with out a lot of fuss and muss. I hope you take the time to check out Homeschool Resource: Lego Club Magazine Subscription which would make the perfect Easter Gift.

Lego Club Magazine Subscription– If your child is between the age of 5 and 9, you can get them a FREE subscription to LEGO® Life Magazine. It is filled with awesome stuff such as comics, activities, competitions, sneak peeks & the latest LEGO news, all shipped to your door 4 times a year! All you have to do is sign up for an account.
Download the magazine!
You can download the latest issue of the LEGO Life Magazine as well as previous issues from our archive page.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates