I wanted to share a new Homeschool Resource: HomeLearners Network with you. These are classes led by instructors our children can take. There is single classes, camps and more. If you’ve used this website let me know what you think of the classes and why.

Help your kid find their passion or learn something new. Our Activities help them discover coding, photography, watercolor skills, math, video game design, and more…
How do our Activities work?
Sign up your kid or teen in your Dashboard and they’ll be able to choose from one of over 25 unique and engaging Activities you can do anywhere!
When it’s time for their Activity, you’ll help them gather the simple materials needed and set them up on a computer, laptop or tablet to participate in a super fun, hands-on, instructor-led activity!
At-Home Activities designed to help kids and teens explore new passions, learn new skills and have FUN!
Sign up today and try one of our activities designed to nurture creativity, empathy, curiosity, social justice, and more…
Charlie can’t wait to join Pets and Baby Animals so he can make Christmas Gifts for our dogs. Would you like to join Charlie in class? If so click here. I also would like for Charlie to take Build a Board Game because he is always on his Game System and this would get him off for a while.
Try one of our Activities free. Led by WORLD CLASS, certified educators.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates