It’s Thursday and time for Social Sciences, so this morning I wanted to bring you a new Homeschool Resource. The website is called Brookdale House, and on the website, you will find Videos for Kids. Which Charlie can watch while I am busy and then he can write a report out on the things he learns. Watching videos will allow Charlie to work on his own and free up time for me.
Last week I took Charlie to Medevil Times and Tournament, and I need to find some lessons we can do on the event. So I was excited this morning when I was on Brookdale House as they have videos for Medieval History Videos. I would like Charlie to watch tomorrow evening when his dad is at home as he can help him with his report.

Age Range: 7-13 (Grades 2-8, with parental supervision)
This section of the curriculum publisher’s website (Brookdale House) provides a collection of hundreds of YouTube videos to use to supplement your history studies.
The videos sorted into four-time period collections:
- Ancient History
- Medieval History
- Early Modern History
- Modern History
When arriving at today’s link, it is helpful to read through the information to understand what included in the collections as well as tips for watching.
Visitors can move between time periods using the right-hand menu or the home page of this section.
When you have decided on a time-period to browse, then you would use your mouse to hover over the images to see the name or content of the video. Click the image, and the video player will open on the page. Click anywhere off the video to return to the page you were on. Types of videos include:
- Documentaries and re-enactments
- Lectures
- Songs for learning facts
- Audio Readings
- Clips from modern events
- And much more
While the selection of videos targeted for elementary and middle school age students, they could quickly benefit the older student as well.
As always, be sure to preview the videos for suitability for your family.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates