Homeschool Research: Sensory Mama Co

The Mommies Reviews

I was so excited when we went to Saginaw Farmers Market Grand Opening on Saturday. I walked through the Vendors Booths and I found the perfect gift not only for Homeschool Families but parents of little children. I would like to introduce you to Sensory Mama Co who makes Sensory Bins for your children.

When Charlie was little I hadn’t ever heard of a Sensory Bin and even after we began homeschooling I hadn’t hear of them until a few years ago. I must tell you I wish I had knew about them because they would have been a life save and this is why I think all parents and teachers should check out Sensory Mama Co as soon as posssible.

The owner creates Sensory Bins for us and when our children grows out of the theme we chose all we have to do is switch the items out to things our children are interested in. If I had purchased a Sensory Bin when Suzzie was small it would have had Polly Pockets or Winnie the Pooh characters. If I was to get a sensory bin for Charlie it would have been Dinosaurs or Cars. What would your children want?

A lot of parents who homeschool use Montessori Curriculum and the Sensory bins are inspired by Montessori, Before you ask no, we don’t use Montessori in our home we do unschooling but that doesn’t stop us from using Sensory Bins and this shouldn’t stop you from using sensory bins as well.


I prep, you play!