Welcome to our website. We would like to share a Homeschool Resource with you. The Beetles Charlie will be studying in our classes. Before I share the lesson plan with you Charlie and I would like to know if you have any facts on the Beetles you would like to share with us?

Reading Class:
Have your student spend 30 minutes reading a Book about the Beatles.
In our classroom Charlie will be reading the following magazines PEOPLE The Beatles 1969, The Beatles: A Little Golden Book and The Beatles Magazine Issue 02 60 Years Of Hits-Lennon & McCartney Single Issue Magazine.
Charlie is to read for 30 minutes each day then to write 2 facts he learns each day in his reading journal.
On Friday Charlie is to turn the facts he learned into a report to be read out loud to David and I.
Spelling Class:
People Magazine Special Edition, Beatles, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best. Fab Four, Quarrymen, the Silver Beatles, British musical quartet, Liverpool, Rock and Roll, Guitarist, Bassist, Self-Taught, Composers, accompanists, painter, bohemian style, skiffle, Folk Music, Britain, “beat music” scene, Brian Epstein, Liverpool record store manager, George Martin, Please, Please, Me, Songs, Singers, Drummers, Musicians, Long Hair
Write your Spelling Words 5 times each in ABC order inside your Spelling Journal.
Write your Spelling Words inside your spelling journal and include a definition for each word.
Use your spelling words in a story you create and include a illustration in your spelling journal. Or use your spelling words in sentences.
Take a Pre-Spelling Test inside your Spelling Journal. Write any words you miss 5 times each. If you make a 100 on the test take Friday off if not re-take the test. If you miss any words write them 10 times each in your Spelling Journal.
Math Class:
Look up how many Records the Beatles composed. Research and find out how many Awards the Beatles won. Or come up with your own facts about the Beatles to create math problems for your students to answer.
Use the answers you come up with to create 5 math problems for someone in your home to work out.
Then let them use the numbers to create 5 math problems for you to figure out.
Write the math problems inside your Math Journal.
Drama Class:
Look up some of the Beatles performances in shows or movies or in a concert and write a report on the way the acted. Then act out what you saw for your parents. Write a explanation of what you acted out in your Drama Journal.
To make your performance more real visit a Vintage Clothing Store or Thrift Story and pick out a outfit they would have worn for your performance.
Take a picture of you in the outfit to put inside your Drama Journal.
Art Class:
Using the information you gathered create a piece of Art featuring the Beatles. Write a description of the piece you created and supplies you used inside your Art Journal.
Take a picture of your Art work and place it inside your journal.
Cooking Class:
Research what the Beatles liked to eat or a Food there Hometown is famous for. Then create this dish for your family. Write the Recipe inside your Cooking Journal which will be turned into a Cookbook at the end of the year.
Music Class:
Create a Song that you think the Beatles would have liked or they might have recorded and perform it for your parents. Make sure you write the song inside your Music Journal.
Then listen to some of the Beatles music and learn a song or two to perform for your parents. Write the lyrics to the songs inside your Music Journal.
For a Field Trip visit a Music Store to see there albums in person. Take a picture of your favorite album for your Music Journal and write why you choose that album.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates