Charlie and I will be studying Benjamin Franklin

Active as a writer, Scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, printer, publisher. Benjamin Franklin is one of the leading intellectuals of his time, A Founding Father of the United States.
The United States Postmaster General and a Scientist. Benjamin Franklin is figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of Physics for his discoveries regarding electricity. As an inventor, Ben Franklin is known for the lightning rod, Bifocals, and the Franklin Stove.
Benjamin Franklin was a member of the following Civic Organizations Library Company, Philadelphia’s first Fire Department, and the University of Pennsylvania.
More Lesson Plans:
Come learn about Benjamin’s Kite Experiment and Electricity.
Human Body
Check out the Lesson Plan were Ben decided to become a Vegetarian and learn about Healthy Eating here.
Create a Postage Stamp featuring Benjamin Franklin and something that represents Benjamin Franklin.
Check out Ben Franklin’s Inventions here
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates