Homeschool Ideas for February

The Mommies Reviews

Homeschool Ideas for February

Homeschooling Resources

February is Black History Month during this month you can study Authors, Musicians and so much more. Including Martin Luther King or Ray Charles which is who Charlie is wanting to study. Along with Kobe for Basketball and his PE Class.

To begin the month, I also want Charlie to check out Civil Rights Unit which you can find on Kids Discover and also for other Lessons on the Civil Rights Unit check out Civil Rights Movement on The Homeschool Mom or you can find more Lessons on The Civil Rights Movement at Teaching for Change.

February is Chinese New Year, and you can find lessons here on Kids Discover and also on The Homeschool Mom and you will find Lessons/ Unit Studies on Chinese New Year.

February 2 – Grand Central Terminal Opens (1913)– you can study Trains here at Kids Discover

February 4 – Start of the Winter Olympics and for additional Lesson Plans check out Teacher Planet Olympic Winter

February 21 – President’s Day you can check out Kids Discover Unit for Presidency then join us as we celebrate the following Presidents Birthdays George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

February 28 – Chemical Structure of DNA Discovered (1953) Check out this Unit Study on Cell Unit from Kids Discover.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates