In our Homeschool Cooking Class Charlie prepared dinner for us. Charlie made Pork Chops seasoned with LAWRY’S® SEASONED SALT, Hungry Jack Mashed Potatoes and Del Monte Sweet Peas. With Iced Tea for us to drink. Which yes, Charlie made Lipton’s Cold Brew Sweet Tea for me. With Lipton’s Lemon Tea for him and David.

Before you say the Potatoes were Instant and that isn’t really cooking. Yes, that might be true but Charlie had to read the instructions which is reading. Charlie has to measure the Water which we use half of and Milk which is Science.
The Sweet Peas might have only needed Butter added to them but I did have Charlie look up a recipe for Creamed Peas which my grandmother used to make for me. Which Charlie is going to make the next time we have Pork Chops.

The two Iced Teas could have been dressed up with Fruit which Charlie and David can’t wait to try next time. Charlie wasn’t on Electronics because he was to busy cooking. Also, Charlie was getting Exercising in as he was walking through the kitchen and dinning room.

It was time to clean the kitchen. Charlie had to figure out how to get all the dishes in the Dishwasher which was Science. Charlie sat the kitchen table and looked up how a table should be set and why it was done that way.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates