Hello, and Happy Sunday to you and yours. I wanted to bring you Homeschool Resources.These resources are brought to use by Homeschool Buyers Co-Op which you can check into this week.
You may be like me and looking for new resources you can do with your students. Or you may be celebrating Spring Break this week and not attending school because our Public Schools are out but I’m having Charlie attend Homeschool for a couple hours everyday. \
The reason I have Charlie attending classes when a lot of kids are out for Spring Break is because Charlie missed a lot of classes by going to public school at the beginning of the year.
I hope you find resources in this list you can use and before you click on the links I would like to remind you they may contain my affiliate link.
If you click on the links and make a purchase I will earn points which allows me to purchase classes for Charlie which helps us out with our budget.
Today is Saturday! How do you plan on spending your weekend? Charlie and I plan on checking out these fun crafts and activities for kids of all ages. Including Easter Egg Math, Musical Arts & Crafts, and much more – just.
It’s Discovery Education Week!

More Award-Winning Programs at the Co-op