Homeschool Blogger Shoutout Raising da Vinici

Good morning, welcome to this weeks Homeschool Blogger Shoutout. How are  How are you and your students doing in Homeschool?Charlie is doing fine in Public School although he is struggling in Math and Reading.

I need to get back on track and help Charlie more. Which is why I wanted to bring Homeschool Blogger Shoutout back. As we get the chance to check out new blogs and find resources I can use with Charlie.

I would like to invite you to check out Raising da Vinci.


We began sharing ideas with friends, having one on one mentoring sessions, and even had people come over to see how we do a “school” day. After helping many people in our local community find fun and exciting ways to teach their children, we found ourselves asking, “wouldn’t it be nice if all this information was out there, open to the public? Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could help more people get started homeschooling”? We think that homeschooling is a personal choice and not for everyone, but teaching your children is something you have been doing since birth and sometimes it’s nice to have a place to go for advice, ideas, or just sharing.

I would like to ask you to check out this article on Is My Child Dyslexic? Dyslexia Explained which I found helpful to my family because both Charlie and David are Dyslexic.


Before I found my heart’s calling and became Mom, I began making music 20 years ago, attended a fine arts college to receive a BFA, and ran a successful photography business for 10 years. Wanting my children to experience all that life has to offer, I naturally lean towards the arts and so do my lesson plans.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates