Homeschool Blog Shoutout: Tiffani Teachey

The Mommies Reviews

My Homeschool Blog Shoutout is a little different this morning. I wanted to bring you a childrens book called “What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z“. The book is published by Tiffani Teachey.

 You can find “What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z” on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. “What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z” is geared for children from 5 to 8 years old.

Charlie is 12 years old and I asked Charlie to read the description on Amazon about this new book and Charlie said he would like to have “What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z” to add to our school library.

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For more information, you can go to

What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z is an inspiring and easy-to-read alphabet picture book that teaches our next generation about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers.

This book provides colorful illustrations of six diverse children representing various STEM careers (i.e. astronauts, doctors, scientists, and engineers, etc), helping children (5 to 8 years old) see themselves in one of the STEM careers, and motivates them to shape their future through STEM!

Tiffani Teachey
About: Tiffani Teachey is a Sr. Mechanical Engineer, STEM advocate, professional speaker, and author of the children’s book What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z . As an engineer with more than fifteen years of experience, Tiffani has a passion for inspiring the next generation to engage in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers. She was born and raised in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, enjoys traveling and being a youth mentor.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates