Home & Garden: Five Messages Your Yard Sends Potential Home Buyers, Says TurfMutt Foundation

The Mommies Reviews

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – More than three-quarters of Americans who have a yard say it’s one of the most important parts of their home, according to a poll commissioned by the TurfMutt Foundation and conducted online by The Harris Poll. Another report from Zillow indicates that the backyard is a must-have feature for buyers.

“But with the continued importance of outdoor space, what does your yard say to potential home buyers if you are trying to sell?” asks Kris Kiser, President & CEO of the TurfMutt Foundation. “Your yard has an impact on curb appeal, but there are other messages your yard is sending that could make or break a deal.”  

The yard is so important that the TurfMutt Foundation, which advocates for the care and use of the green space around us, including our own backyards and neighborhood parks, recently introduced the term “backyarding” which is the trend-turned-way-of-life of moving indoor activities into the outdoor space around us. 

The TurfMutt Foundation says homeowners should recognize these five messages a yard sends buyers: 
1.    This home is worth viewing. You only have one chance to make a first impression, and your yard is a huge part of your home’s curb appeal. Set a welcoming vibe with cared-for landscaping and color that invites buyers to imagine themselves living here. 
2.    This home is well-cared for. The condition of your yard gives buyers a glimpse at what they can expect inside. A manicured lawn, clean flower beds, fresh mulch and flowering plants sends the message that you care for your entire home – not just the yard. 

3.    My kids and pets will be safe here. Many families shopping for a new home want space where their kids and/or pets can play safely. Buyers in this category will be drawn to properties that offer large grassy areas, fenced yards and shade trees for cooling off under during hot days. 

4.    This yard will support our lifestyle. Outdoor living is a way of life now, so more than anything buyers will want to be able to envision themselves outdoors. Just like you stage interior spaces, you can also set up your outdoor space to illustrate your yard’s potential for any type of buyer. Set up some lawn games in your grass. Set a patio or picnic table for a feast to set the scene for outdoor dining. Use plants to create privacy, camouflage unsightly HVAC or pool equipment, and to fashion boundaries between various activity areas. 
5.    This yard will assist pollinators & other wildlife. Nature starts in your backyard, providing habitat and food for birds, butterflies, bees and more. Potential buyers will see flowering plants, trees and shrubs as a way to connect to the natural world around them on a micro-level while doing some good for the planet.

For more information, sign up for Mutt Mail, a monthly e-newsletter with backyarding tips and all the news from the TurfMutt Foundation here. To learn more about creating the yard of your dreams, visit TurfMutt.com. Look for Mulligan the TurfMutt on the CBS Lucky Dog television show.

About TurfMutt
TurfMutt was created by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute’s (OPEI) TurfMutt Foundation and has reached more than 70 million children, educators and families since 2009. Championed by Foundation spokesdog, Mulligan the TurfMutt, and through education partners such as Weekly Reader, Discovery Education and Scholastic, TurfMutt has taught students and teachers how to “save the planet, one yard at a time.” Today, TurfMutt is an official USGBC® Education Partner and part of their global LEARNING LAB. TurfMutt has been an education resource at the U.S. Department of Education’s Green Ribbon Schools, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Green Apple, the Center for Green Schools, the Outdoors Alliance for Kids, the National Energy Education Development (NEED) project, Climate Change Live, Petfinder and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In 2017, the TurfMutt animated video series won the coveted Cynopsis Kids Imagination Award for Best Interstitial Series. TurfMutt’s personal, home habitat was featured in the 2017-2020 Wildlife Habitat Council calendars. More information.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates