Holiday Insights- Daily Holidays, Traditions, Facts, and more!

The Mommies Reviews

Hello, It’s April 7th and as you can see by looking at my post there is a lot to celebrate today. Including taking a walk which I will be doing in a few minutes with my sister.

Caramel Popcorn Day

National Caramel Popcorn Day - April 6, 2021 | Happy Days 365

Most likely created by a popcorn maker, or an Ecard company.

Caramel Popcorn Day is an opportunity to enjoy the combination of two great treats – Caramel and Popcorn. This tasty, chewy treat is hard to beat. Caramel popcorn is readily found in popcorn tins and specialty shops.

If you are like me, you don’t need an excuse to eat any kin of popcorn. So, you can easily guess what you need to do to participate in this day. While other flavors of popcorn is fine any other day, today it must be caramel popcorn.

A great way to make this day truly memorable, is to make homemade caramel popcorn.

Related Days:

National Popcorn Day

Popcorn Lover’s Day

Learn about growing popcorn.

International Beaver Day

International Beaver Day! - The Bill Beaver Project

Today is International Beaver Day. A day to learn about and show appreciation for dam builders.

In addition to being cute and loveable, beavers play a important role in the environmental eco-system…. By building dams. As beavers create a new dam, they’re helping to create or restore natural wetlands.

You can find beavers in ponds and small streams in many parts of the United States. They’re also found in many other countries in North and South America.

It’s fascinating to watch beavers at work. They ceaselessly build dams, dragging fallen branches and trunks of trees from the shore to the dam building site.

They often cut down small trees, using their sharp teeth to cut the trees down. Their work never ends. They are either busy adding wood to an existing dam, or building a new one.

The most enjoyable thing to do on International Beaver Day, is take a hike to an active beaver pond and watch them busy at work building a dam. Look around and you will likely see the wetlands that they created, filled with a wide variety of vegetation, birds and other animals.

National Beer Day

Celebrate National Beer Day Friday, April 7 with Local Brew Specials

On March 22, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, signed into law, the Cullen-Harrison Act. Which, repealed prohibition for beer. The law became fffective April 7, 1933. People could once more buy, sell and consume beer.

The night before, was called “New Beer’s Eve”  That night millions of Americans lined up waiting for the stroke of midnight.

On April 7, 1993, the first National Beer Day, Americans consumed 1.5 million barrels of legal beer and ale.

Let’s all lift our frothy mugs in celebration on this very special day.

Also see:  

New Beer’s Eve

International Beer Day

Beer Trivia

Growing Hops Diary

How to Grow Hops

Heard at the Beer Hall:  … to me “Drink Responsibly”, means don’t spill it.

National Walking Day – first Wednesday in month

National Walking Day

If you ask me we should be walking everyday and I include children in this as most of them just want to sit inside and play on there Electronics which isn’t healthy.

Now that Spring is in the air it’s time to go outside for fresh air and a little exercise. Most Americans do not get enough exercise. That makes today the perfect day to get outside and take a hike, ie walk on National Walking Day.

National Walking Day was created by the American Heart Association to remind people about the healthy benefits to walking. The goal of this day is used to encourage us to begin, maintain, or expand the healthy habit of regular walks.

I think National Walking Day is a special event. I hope you get hooked on walking on a regular basis. Walking can launch you into a new and healthier lifestyle.

We only wonder why this special event was set up in mid-week, when most people have work, school and extracurricular activities pulling them away from taking a walk.

But, when you think of it, if you can begin the habit of walking during your busy week, then walking on the weekend, because there are countless walkathons you could join which will be a cinch.

The American Heart Association encourages everyone to walk at least 30 minutes a day. If you are new at walking or in poor health, start with just a short walk.

For the average person, set your sites on a 30 minute walk today. For the very experienced walkers or runners, make it a goal to walk 10% over your normal walk.

To keep you motivated and to want to walk ask a friend or family memeber to join you. Because you will find walking with another person or groups, will make a pleasurable walk, and the time will fly by.

How to Participate in National Walking Day

Ways to get a walk in today.

  • Walk to from work or school.
  • Walk during your lunch hour with friends or work associates.
  • Take an early evening stroll in a park.
  • Organize or participate in a walkathon today.
  • If you have a dog, take him or her for that 30 minute walk. Walks are good for your dog, too.
  • You don’t just have to walk its okay to run.

If you want to live a lot longer? With today’s 30 minute walk under your belt, make a goal to walk 30 minutes a day, three or four days a week. Your physical and mental health will improve as a result.

No Housework Day

It's National No Housework Day!

Is your chance to do anything, except housework. Better still, have someone else do the chores for a day. Housework is a seemingly endless and repetitive groups of tasks.

Housework often goes unrecognized and worst of all….. taken for granted. But, watch out! If the dishes aren’t done, or there’s no clean towels, somebody notices.

There’s two ways to celebrate this day:

If you normally do the housework around the house, cease and desist for this day. Instead, kick back and enjoy the day. Relax and do anything, except housework.

Except in my home David usually does the Housework while I work and help Charlie with his work. This week I think Charlie and I will give David a BREAK and we will do the housework while he watches a movie.

This will give David a break from the housework. If Charlie and I are lucky we just might get a Thank you Gift and Charlie will see how hard it is to keep the house clean help more.

“Housework can’t kill you, but why take a chance?” – – Phyllis Diller

World Health Day

World Health Day 2020: Five Things To Know About The Day Dedicated To Global  Health

Is sponsored by the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO), World Health Day focuses upon a different health theme each year. It is an international event to emphasize and work on important health issues or problems. Many countries around the world participate.

This day celebrates the anniversary of the founding of the UN’s World Health Organization on April 7, 1948.

Activities on World Health Day focus on, awareness, education programs, and fund raising activities to help with health issue for the year. Countries also work on resolving problems related to the theme.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and Cates