Good morning, its April 2nd and we have plenty of Holidays to celebrate today which you will find in our series Holiday Insights- Daily Holidays, Traditions: April 2nd.

Encourages reading, and promotes the love of books for children. The fastest way to develop our young children into intelligent human beings is by teaching them to read. Instilling a love of reading promotes a lifetime of learning and enjoyment.
Libraries celebrate today with story telling hours and events for young children. You can celebrate today by giving a new book to each of your kids. When your picking out a book for them make sure and get a new book for yourself as well.
If your children are too young to read, spend time reading stories to them. Which is a great and memorable bonding time for you and your child. Make sure and get everyone in the home involved in reading today.
Good Friday – date varies
When is Good Friday? April 2, 2021; April 15, 2022; April 7, 2023; March 29, 2024; April 18, 2025; April 3, 2026
On Good Friday, Jesus Christ died on the cross for us. Jesus only died in human form. On Easter Jesus arose from the dead on Easter Sunday morning to show us there is life after death in heaven.
I have a question for you. Did you know Good Friday, is called “Dark Friday”,. Which is a day of solemn prayer and the final day of fasting for the long Lenten season.
Christ was nailed to the cross at noon and his death came at three o’clock in the afternoon. During this time, Christians should spend in prayer and silence.
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day You can check out my thoughts on this Holiday here:

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day celebrates the beloved “PB and J”. The favorite lunchtime sandwich of American kids, and adults, too. Some kids practically live on Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches.
Note: March 1st is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day and September 13 is National Peanut Day. Sounds like this would be the perfect day to make Cookies or a Cake with Peanuts. Or how about a Hot Fudge Sundae?
The Great Sandwich Debate: I would like to ask you a question. How should you slice your peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or ant sandwich for that matter? It’s an ageless debate.
Do you slice a sandwich diagonally to form two triangles? Or do you slice it across the middle, resulting in two rectangular halves? Don’t expect us to chime in with our opinion.
Either way, we will make half of you upset with us!. Let’s cut to the chase….. the right way to slice your sandwich, is the way mom did it when you were a kid. For our family it was one piece of bread Folded Over and its the way I still eat a Jelly Sandwich or Peanut Butter but never shall the two meet.

Is the first Friday of month for me this is easy all I do is get off the Couch and walk into my office. For David its hard as he works 45 minutes from our home driving and if he walked it would be closer to 2 hours. I can’t see him walking. Can you?
About: National Walk to Work Day
The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy G. Thompson declared the first National Walk to Work Day April 2, 2004. With obesity and sedentary lifestyles growing at an alarming rate,the day was initiated to draw attention to the need to get out and exercise, and to get in shape.
Americans are encouraged to walk to work on this day. If you can’t walk to work, take a walk during lunch time, or another time of the day. Which my sister and I will do this afternoon.
The goal is to walk 30 minutes a day. Which I am Praying I can do beginning this evening because I really do want to lose weight which will help me become healthier.
Health officials are hoping by celebrating this Holiday that it will encourage people to add a 30 minute walk to their daily lives. Health officials, medical agencies, and medical organizations around the country state that a 30 minute walk will significantly improve you health.
The benefits of walking are many. Including lower weight, less chance of heart disease, less risk of diabetes, and much more. Translating to a longer and healthier life.
Unmentioned in other articles, is the emotional and mental benefits of walking which is relaxing and peaceful. If you walk in a park, or along a waterfront,the scene can be captivating. Need a quick picker upper? Take a walk today with someone you love.
Note: Walking is free of charge and , there is no tax on walking, either.
If you can’t walk to work today, walk 30 minutes at a convenient time and make walking a apart of your daily life. Get your children to walk with you because this is a wonderful time to bond with them.
Heard at the Office: A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, a work station is where work stops but not today as I am taking my work on a walk. Would you like to come with me?

A special day to patch relationships and to make amends. The intention is to re-establish relationships between family, friends and couples. Life is too short to hold a grudge between those we love.
I agree and I wish my sister and brother would honor this Holiday and put there difference behind them because Charlie and my niece and nephew need both of them and with them fighting it makes it hard getting together as a family.
If you and your significant other are estranged couples today may be an opportunity to work out your problems. People who’ve had a “falling out” with family members are encouraged to reach out and “mend the fence”.
For those considering a reconciliation, the old saying is “It’s never too late”. But, that is not true. Someday, it could be too late. So, please use today to begin your reconciliation. Because tomorrow isn’t promised.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates