#HGG Sponsor Freshly Pickled

Freshly Pickled has a pair of Soft Soled Baby Moccasins called Go For Gold also that I think would make an excellent addition to this years #HGG. I wanted to pick out something new and different for Payton. I thought Payton would like these Soft Soled Moccasins from Freshly Pickled. As well as ones that Alex and Adam Payton’s parents would allow her to wear. So I spent some time on Freshly Pickled as they had so many Moccasins to chose.

I picked out Go For Gold I knew both Alex and Adam would like them a lot. So would Payton’s grandmother and grandfather. I have to wait for Christmas to be able to give them to Payton and anyone who knows me knows being Patient isn’t something I am good at.

Be following the blog to see if I wait until Christmas to give Payton her moccasins Go For Gold from Freshly Pickled or if I let her have them early so she can wear them when they go to see Christmas lights.

Once my sister sees Go For Gold I know she will be asking why I didn’t get Lilly my niece or my nephew a pair of Moccasins from Freshly Pickled and I will just have to let her know I thought it would be better if she purchased them a pair. Because I wasn’t sure Alyssa or my nephew David would let them wear Go For Gold as they are funny. But once David Micheal (My nephew)  see’s Payton’s and that they are red, white and blue, he may decide they need a pair as well. So we will see what happens.

If you would like to check out Freshly Pickled for the little ones on your #Holiday Shopping list them you can find them at:

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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