#HGG Sponsor Erin Buchanan’s Air Bar Exercises

I would like to introduce you to another #HGG Sponsor Erin Buchanan’s Air Bar Exercises. I will be using these not only to lose weight but also to get into better physical shape As I think if I move more I will not hurt as bad as I do right now. Not only that but this will help me get the steps I need in each day. As Erin Buchanan’s Air Bar Exercises involves dancing and dancing is a form of walking. So I can track my steps as while using this program.


I will be able to use Erin Buchanan’s Air Bar Exercises every day with Charlie for his Physical Exercise class. As it will get him moving more which he needs to do. Charlie will be able to dance which Charlie enjoys doing. As well as using a bar that we can decorate and pick out together. I just have to be careful that he doesn’t get upset and hit one of the dogs or breaks something with the pole. As his anger has been all over the place this week and it is worrying me. But I hope we can get it under control as using Erin Buchanan’s Air Barre Exercises will be something I know Charlie will enjoy.

I love that we can do this as a family as David also needs to get up and move more. As well as exercise as he has problems with his heart and I think using Erin Buchanan’s Air Bar Exercises will help relieve some of the stress he has been dealing with.

If you would like to know more about Erin Buchanan’s Air Bar Exercises please check out there website and while there take a look at the book that goes with the Air Bar Exercises  “Diet and Nutrition for Real People in the 21st Century”, by: Dr. James Moore, DOM, L.Ac, C.H. Because I know using the book with Eric Buchanan’s Air Barre exercises will help me lose the extra weight I am carrying around. As well as help me look better. Which would be a plus as I am tired of always being asked if I am Charlie’s grandmother instead of his mom.

ABX DVD front cover

2 DVDs & 2 Blu-rays of ABX V.1

Having fun as a family keeps every committed & I really like how that is what you are doing.

#1) Congratulations, the change has begun. Welcome to the future of fitness. We know you will enjoy your ABX workout and experience incredible results! For life-changing transformation and many more benefits be sure to use the Dvd each day, even if its only for 20 minutes.  Remember to stay hydrated with pure water, get plenty of rest for recovery, and invite your friends and family to exercise “ABX style” with you. You took the first action step and ordered the Dvd. Your next action step is to get your Active Internal Resistance (AIR)Bar. It is simply a standard 40″ dowel rod available at any hardware store (Home Depot etc.) Usually, the diameter is 7/8″ to 1″.  The bar will feel heavy at points during the workout when you are getting started, so the longer the bar and the larger the diameter — the heavier the bar. Also, Oak is heavier than Pine. The usual cost is only a couple of dollars for Pine, depending on your location. You are more than welcome to use a mop with its head twisted off or a towel pulled taught at both ends instead of the wooden pole.  Be on the lookout for 2 more emails in the next week with 2 more action steps and your free nutrition E-book.  Please don’t hesitate to follow up with us for any of your fitness needs — we are here for you.

Eat Your Way To A Healthier Life cover

“Diet and Nutrition for Real People in the 21st Century”, by Dr. James Moore, DOM, L.Ac, C.H.  It is time to take your second action step and not just read it, but begin to implement it.  It is a simple and straightforward approach to diet because it does not need to be complicated.  Be patient with yourself, even though the changes are simple they are challenging for most of us — but don’t worry at first if you falter that is your opportunity to learn and grow.  Begin again with gratitude the next day. We are grateful for your business. The best compliment is a referral to friends and family.  Please contact us if you have any additional health and fitness needs.

The ABX 30-day challenge!  We challenge you to workout with your Dvd 30 minutes per day, 6 days per week for the next 30 days, while following the advice in the nutrition book.  Then Email us and let us know your results!

Air Barre Exercises

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates