Helipads in Heaven by Shanti Hershenson (Review)

As we begin a new day I wanted to share a new book with you called Helipads in Heaven by Shanti Hershenson (Author) which I received a PDF Copy of the book from the Author and Voracious Readers in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage off the items you purchase.

Helipads in Heaven which was written by Shanti Hershenson did a incredible job of taking her readers back to her main character’s childhood via an exciting time travel adventure that is compelling. In the book we meet the main character, both at age 10 and at age 30. A lot of how Goose is described is classic ADHD primarily inattentive type.

The story will reach neurodivergent readers, especially with the bullying and not knowing what you’re doing wrong socially that is driving others away. Which remined me of Charlie in so many ways. I had Charlie and David both read the book and when they finished they were speechless and let me know they felt like they had meet a friend and were able to understand themselves more.

I know some people would call this a autobiographical and yes, I do agree but it also could be a self-help book. I personally don’t think I would want to go back and talk to myself as a child but I could see some people wanting to and how it would help them. As I am witnessing this first hand with my best friend who is seeing a counselor.

Helipads in Heaven also gives insight about what people who suffers from anxiety can go through and having this book has helped with my son and myself as we’ve been suffering from anxiety more and more. I wish all parents would share this book with there children. Schools should have copies of the book in there library and Counselors office.

About the book:

Imaginative, haunting, and heartwarming—Shanti Hershenson’s best book yet!
World-renowned author Dillon Hershkop has everything she wants in life, but getting there hasn’t been easy. Now thirty years old, she has achieved almost everything she dreamed of as a young girl: A dazzling career, a devoted fan base, and a picture-perfect family—but despite all of this, she is also painstakingly bored.

That is why, when Dillon receives the opportunity to become the test subject for a time-traveling experiment hosted by JPL’s brand new Center for Experimental Science, she seizes the opportunity to explore La Cañada—and the places she grew up around—without any immediate reservations. In exchange, she can write a brand new memoir both about time travel and the nearly forgotten experiences that shaped her into the talented woman she is today. That is, if she returns.

Dillon is soon thrown head-first as an adult spectator into the complicated world of her ten-year-old self—fondly nicknamed Goose—from her love of helicopters, writing, and all things Elton John, to her unreceptive fourth-grade teacher, Ms. Vincent, her sourly judgemental classmates, and the missed opportunities of a fourth-grade writer with a smothered voice.

As she observes the childhood she does not entirely remember, she begins to realize that there are reasons for the holes in her memories—things she must not remember, because if she does, it may become impossible to stand back and watch the oil of her bottled-up trauma be poured into a fire from a distance. And if she goes against the direct orders of the laboratory, the effects of tampering with a nearly unknown science may permanently disrupt the fabrics of time, space, and Dillon’s existence.

From the teenage author of You Won’t Know Her NameHelipads in Heaven is a deep and heartwarming adventure of time travel, childhood ambitions, and at the core, a love letter to unique children and those who dare to dream.

About the author

Shanti Hershenson’s first two novellas were published when she was in the sixth grade, although her writing journey started long before then. Ever since she could hold a pencil, marker, or crayon, she was creating stories. They started from pictures, mere scribbles, and eventually, turned into captivating tales.

You can connect with her in these places:

Instagram – @shantihershenson

Twitter: @shantihersh

TikTok: @shantiwhowrites


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