Heart to Heart Talk

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie is one who keeps his feelings inside until one day they burst out of Charlie. Most of the time this is when Charlie and I are by ourselves and at night right before we go to bed. I love our heart to heart talks but there is times I need to talk to David about what Charlie has told me.

I have to break my confidence to Charlie which I hate. I’m afraid this will keep Charlie from confiding in me but I Pray that doesn’t happen because I always want Charlie to tell me anything bothering him.

Last night Charlie climbed on the couch with me and got under my blanket and I could tell there was something on his mind. As we settled down Charlie said mom can’t I go to Homeschool I learn much more at home than I do at school.

I told Charlie I understood he is scared about going into Middle School and that he will not be able to keep up. I told Charlie I wished he had talked to me before we had purchased everything he needs for school.

Charlie turned over and went to sleep and I was awake all night trying to decide what I should do. I would love having Charlie homeschooling but is that the best thing for Charlie at this time?

I don’t think so and I don’t think it’s the best thing for me or even for our family. But how can I wake Charlie up tomorrow to go and get on the school but when I know it’s going to upset us both?

As a mom my heart is breaking and I don’t want to send Charlie to school with everything happening in this world but I can’t let Charlie hide inside our home as that isn’t good for Charlie.

Please say a Prayer for our family tomorrow as I get Charlie ready for school and he leaves our home. Please Pray Charlie understands why I am sending him to school and that he doesn’t hate me.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates