This is a review for a new novel called Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide. I received in exchange for this review. The thoughts in the review are mine and my families.

With Charlie continuing to Homeschool this year we can learn anything that will interest Charlie. We don’t have to stick to workbooks and books the kids in public school are using. Which is why I chose “Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide” for Charlie to read in his free time.
As Charlie gets older I want him to find a job he likes and enjoys. I would like for the job to be something no, one else have then Charlie will always have a job.
Inside “Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide” Charlie was able to learn about careers we hadn’t heard of and decided if they might be right for him or his friends.

“Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide” covers the Healthcare Field which is what my sister is in. Along with my Uncle Chuck who was a Surgical Nurse.
“Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide” touches on becoming a Veterinarian which is what my daughter Leslie and my niece Alyssa would like to become.
As much as Charlie loves animals I could even see Charlie becoming a Veterinarian except for the fact animals get sick and die. Charlie couldn’t handle that.
I liked how the first part of “Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide” shares who contributed to the novel. Allowing Charlie and I to get to know the contributors better. As well as the editors.

In each section “Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide” shows how long you would need to attend school and what you would make which Charlie and even David thought were interesting.
There is references inside each section which will lead us to additional studies. As well as words we can use in our spelling classes. Each occupation is broken up into different sections which will allow us to “Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide not only in Health class but for reports we write for Language Arts.

“Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide” is a book for kids in middle grade and up. We had a team of kids who reviewed “the novel prior to publication (ages 11-18).
“Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide” has different careers that people might not have heard of. If you would like to learn more about Healthcare Hero’s inside the book the Authors will be on Express Yourself! Teen Radio, where teens talk and the world listens.
Express Yourself! Teen Radio a network where teens are the radio hosts who interview their guests. Express Yourself! Teen Radio will be airing Sunday, at 6 PM EST on the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel. The link is on there website.

NAMED AS A CAREER PLANNING RESOURCE BY Weill Cornell Medicine/New York Presbyterian Hospital
“This book is an incredibly valuable resource and demystifies the diverse group of professionals who comprise the modern healthcare team.” −Dr. Paul Larrat, Dean of University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy
“An easy to read primer full of real-world information to help students make an intelligent decision on choosing a rewarding profession.” −Dr. Jeffrey Gardere, America’s Psychologist and author of multiple parenting books
This book provides expert insights and strategies to help readers find their best career path in healthcare. It features healthcare professionals and their stories, giving you the unfiltered, unedited, no holds barred version of what it’s really like to be a healthcare professional in the 21st century.
It serves as a useful resource for readers of all ages, middle school and up. The chapters are written by healthcare professionals who provide a personal touch and share their extensive knowledge and expertise through their journey into each of their professions. Will there be a few surprises? Count on it.
Start your journey towards a healthcare career today!
INCLUDED PROFESSIONS: Biomedical Engineer, Physician Assistant, Surgical Technologist, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician, Physician, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Veterinarian, Art Therapist, Dentist, Speech and Language Pathologist, Dietitian, Social Worker, Podiatrist, Psychologist, Physical Therapist…and many more!
- “A Day in the Life” of the Healthcare Professional
- Salary Range & Educational Requirements
- Specialty Areas of Employment
I would like to ask if you would be kind enough to share “Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide” but the Radio Show lease feel free to share with any other teens who may be interested.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates