Healing the Nation Published by Tom Donnan

The Mommies Reviews

As we begin our week, I wanted to share a new book I was sent to review with you. The thoughts in the review are mine in exchange for the book. Healing The Nation: It Is Only While You Are on Earth That You Can Work for Jesus Published by Tom Donnan. With the state the world is in I couldn’t wait to find out what this book was about.

I love how he works to get people back into Church as parents have stopped doing this and I believe it is part of the reason we face the problems happening today. God has been taken out of so many places including Schools that if we can find Peace anywhere at all then we need to take the time to breathe and find ways to bring it back. Which is where this book comes in handy,

I sat down to read the book on my own and before I was through, I knew it would be something I wanted David to read as well. Along with Charlie because they are the Future of our Nation, and they are the ones who can put God back into the places he should be. So, we read the book as a family and it is one, we will keep and reread when we become discouraged.

I would like to purchase several copies to gives as Gifts as I know several people who could benefit for the book. Including the Pastor at my sister s Church. My son’s Principal and Vice Principal in his school. As well as the local VA at the end of our street. Along with the parents in our neighborhood.

Tom Donnan was pronounced clinically dead of a heart attack in February 2006. But God wasn’t done with him yet; he was sent back to see Revival come to America and help put an end to the mediocrity that is pervading our churches. Tom understands that our nation is at a crossroads and if the Constitution falls, then it will be the end of America as we know it.  Tom shares God’s message in TV and radio interviews, blogs, and through his remarkable book, Healing the Nation (Gazelle Press), encouraging people to open their eyes to God’s heart for us ― America ― to be healed.

Man, Who Survived Death Spreads God’s Message to Help Our Nation Heal

Joliet, IL, April 24, 2018 — “When you face death – and survive – it changes things,” says Tom Donnan. Just over thirteen years ago, Tom died as a result of a heart attack. He was instantly in the spiritual afterlife, and he heard the voice of God say, “It is only while you are on earth that you can work for Jesus.” He was immediately thrust back into his body, still in the ambulance … and his life was changed forever!

Tom has experienced and interpreted dreams and visions for many years, and his near-death experience was confirmation to him that God sent him back to help get people back to the church and bring them closer to Him. Tom knows mediocrity pervades our churches today and Christianity is under attack. We’re already seeing signs of it. If we don’t fight to uphold the freedoms allowed us through the Constitution, then our nation will be lost.

“God is about to release a sweeping Revival that will put an end to the complacency in our churches. Not a temporary fix but a total healing of the land ― churches will become a place where heaven and earth intersect and the presence of God abides with us,” says Tom. His book, Healing the Nation (Gazelle Press), brings a dynamic vision of this new move of God, outlining what the Revival will look like and how each believer can be a part of it, moving through repentance to a powerful walk in Christ.  It will open our eyes to God’s heart for us – America – to be healed.

Through TV and radio interviews, blogs, magazine articles and his books, Tom is helping people get closer to God; to become an experiential Christian and have a one-on-one relationship with Him. Throughout Tom’s travels with his friend Pastor Philip Corbett, he shares God’s message of revival with churches across America.

Tom Donnan has been a volunteer for Need Him Ministries for the past ten years, always ready to personally chat with people who are looking for salvation. Tom resides in Illinois.

Healing the Nation
Publisher: Gazelle Press, an Imprint of Evergreen Press
Paperback: 208 pages
Available at Amazon.com

Just a few of the many 5-star reviews on Healing the Nation:

Art and Soul Works: “Aside from an easily readable writing style this author has a mega message for any American who desires to be part of the solution to the problem we are facing as a country. Fast paced – this is an interesting walk through the unusual life of an everyday fellow with a mighty gift from God. Healing the Nation is a Clarian Call – with a simple God ordained solution that we all have a part in. Intended or not, chapter after chapter reveals a deeper understanding of how to hear God in our everyday life by observing the writer’s experiences! Other hidden jewels include mighty, heartfelt prayers that get results!”

Troy: “This book will show you how to live a spirit led life. Tom’s use of real-life examples helps the reader to understand how the Holy Spirit will interact with a person and lead them to the place they should be. Every spirit-filled believer needs to read this book and begin to understand the concepts that are explained in real world language.”

Dave Arnett: “Tom Donnan is an anointed servant of God that brings forth a very timely and urgent message for the Church of God and our nation. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who has a burden for our nation, is an intercessor, or gift of prophecy.”

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates