I have been working hard to lose weight but I am so tired of walking and my Treadmill isn’t working. I can’t afford to join a Gym and I can’t find someone that want’s to walk everyday.

Then this week as I was going through pictures I found this one of Charlie on his bike with my bike. I have decided it’s time to purchase a new bike for Charlie.
Then I need to get my bike out and get the tires fixed and to take her to the car wash to wash her off. Then we can head out to on excursions together which I have missed.
I need to do before Charlie gets to old and doesn’t want to hang out with me. Now, I need to work 4 times as hard as I usually do as I would like to purchase a bike for Charlie and David.
Do I think I can do it? Honestly, I don’t think so but I am going to give it the old college try and I am not going to give up.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates