A Year in the Life of Leah Brand by Lucinda E Clarke Yet? (Review)

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share A Year in the Life of Leah Brand by Lucinda E Clarke by Lucinda E Clarke. A Psychological Thriller I received a PDF copy of from Voracious Readers in exchange for this review. Its also a part of a series which my family will finish reading. Inside this post are my affiliate links if you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

I’m one of those who refuses to watch Horror Movies visit Haunted Houses or even pick up a Psychological Thriller because I would never sleep if I did. Although David prefers psychological thrillers because he says the story keeps him interested and he doesn’t get bored as easy. Now, Charlie has been wanting to check out Horror Movies and I thought he might like Psychological Thriller which is why I asked to review this book.

I thought it would give Charlie something to read in his Homeschool Reading class and get David involved in reading as well. as for me if the book had gotten to scary I could quit reading it at anytime. I am proud to say I didn’t get scared and was able to get through the book and if you or someone you know has dealt with mental health this book reminded me of it a lot.

After being involved in a bad car accident, Leah loses her family, and a limb but slowly, she struggles to return to a normal life. From the perspective of a mom losing a child I can understand where she was coming from and I can see why these things happened to her. While shopping one day, a chance encounter in a supermarket leads to a coffee—and the first bit of socializing Leah has done in a while. One thing leads to another, and the individual she has Coffee with end up getting married because Leah figures worse things could happen to a girl than a successful lawyer as a husband.

As time goes by, reality sets in and Leah learns that being married to a busy man with a difficult teenage daughter isn’t much fun. Leah is stuck in an abusive relationship and not sure how to turn things around. Things get worse when a series of unexplained events occur in her home; either a malicious spirit has moved in, or Leah is losing her mind causing Leah to question her sanity.

Lea’s nightmare began on the day the dog died.” After an accident took her husband, two children and one leg, Leah Brand thought she’d found a new life with Mason. Only to find out people may not be what them seem and this is where gaslighting comes into play.

Like a lot of parents Leah has a difficult time dealing with Mason’s thirteen-year-old daughter, Belinda, who lives with them. Like a lot of children Belinda never listens to anything Leah said to her and Belinda begins having difficulty at school which Mason blamed on Leah. Before you ask if it was Leah’s fault I’m not going to answer because I believe you should read the book on your own.

Like me Leah had suffered from depression after the accident that took her family and leg. As the problems in her new marriage manifested themselves, the depression began to return and with the depression items are misplaced, items are moved, and the appearance of objects that weren’t in their house before appear.

Leah tries to kickstart her education, taking classes as well as reading a book by a specialist on self-help. Spending time at a local library, Leah is friended by a handsome librarian. She enjoys his company and nothing else. Leah’s neighbor, Andrea, wealthy and alone and doesn’t like Mason, offers Leah a caring shoulder to lean on, taking her on short retreats to forget her problems.

As things continue to go missing or get re-arranged in the house with everyone blaming Leah, saying she must have moved them without remembering, Leah sees a doctor to be tested for a breakdown. Leah’s depression and tears slowly push everyone away from her and Leah begins to feel more and more alone.

About the book:

Leah was unemployed, broke, and desperate.

A few years earlier, a fatal car crash took the lives of Leah’s beloved husband and their two babies, leaving her disabled. Life looked bleak.

Then she met Mason.

He was charming, charismatic, persuasive, and a successful businessman, well respected in the community. His teenage daughter did nothing to welcome Leah into the family, but life is never perfect.

And the nightmares began the day the dog died…

Two years into her second marriage, Leah Brand’s world is turned upside down. Inanimate objects move, her clothes are left out for the rubbish collection, there are unexplained noises and hauntings.

Everyone accuses Leah of losing her mind.

Soon she begins to doubt herself and she starts to spiral down into a world of insanity. Is she going mad, or is someone out to destroy her? And if so, why?

A gripping, psychological thriller for fans of Mary Higgins Clarke and Louise Jensen.

Meet the Author: Lucinda E Clarke

Lucinda E Clarke profile image

Lucinda E Clarke was born in Dublin but has lived in 8 other Countries to date. She wanted to write but was railroaded into teaching. She fell into other careers; radio announcer, riding school owner, sewing giant Teddy Bears. She began scriptwriting professionally in 1986 winning over 20 awards. She also wrote mayoral speeches, company reports, drama documentaries, educational programs, adverts, news inserts, court presentations, videos for National Geographic, cookery programs and street theatre to name but a few!

She lectured in scriptwriting, had her own column in various publications, and wrote articles for national magazines. She was commissioned for two educational books by Heinemann and Macmillan, and book reports for UNESCO and UNICEF.

She set up and ran her own video production company in South Africa.

“Walking Over Eggshells” was her first self-published book, an autobiography describing the emotional abuse she suffered from early childhood and subsequent travels and adventures.

She published her second book a novel, “Amie: African Adventure” in July 2014, which was a #1 bestseller in genre on both sides of the Atlantic.

Lucinda’s third book “Truth, Lies, and Propaganda”, was followed by “More Truth, Lies and Propaganda” – memoirs about her career in the print and broadcast media, highlighting South Africa and its people.

“Amie Savage Safari” is the 5th in the Amie in Africa award-winning series – the world’s most reluctant and incompetent spy is in trouble again.

In 2019 Lucinda changed genre and published the first in a series of psychological thrillers. “A Year in the life of Leah Brand” was followed by “A Year in the Life of Andrea Coe.” Book 3 is due out in September 2020.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates