Has Your Marriage Lost Its Spark?

Has Your Marriage Lost Its Spark? Here Are 4 Exciting Ways To Rekindle The Love In Your Marriage

The first few years of marriage are always full of love and excitement. This is the honeymoon stage and it would be great if all marriages remained at this stage! Most people have a positive and optimistic view about marriage. According to statistics given by the wedding report, there were 2.18 million weddings in America in the year 2017. These people who had weddings believed that they would have marriages full of love and excitement. However, for a large number of marriages, the lamp of love may begin to die down if you don’t make a deliberate effort to keep it burning, and you may find yourself living in a loveless marriage.

If your marriage has become boring and loveless, be encouraged because you are not alone and there is always hope. This is a common occurrence and it is important to mention here that any marriage can fall victim to this stage, even the very best of them. If you are in this predicament, do not make any quick decisions, especially if your mind is in a state of confusion. Remember that your marriage is a lifelong commitment before God and it should not be dependent on your emotions. With this in mind, determine to live one day at a time and stick with it, whether you feel in love or not. The following are some good tips on how to rekindle the love in your marriage:
Remember what attracted you to your spouse before you got married. In all probability, your spouse still has the same positive traits that attracted you to them initially. Why has your vision changed? If you begin to focus on those again, the love and appreciation will begin to flourish.

Do good in spite of how you feel. Feelings are fickle; they come and go, and they are constantly changing. You can never depend on your emotions. Make a decision to do good and kind things for your spouse, regardless of how you feel. You will be pleasantly surprised that the feelings will follow your actions and before long, you will be enjoying a marriage full of love again.

Have quality time alone with your spouse. Raising children tends to be very involving. It leaves little or no room for you and your spouse to have time alone to enjoy each other and even rekindle your intimacy. It is important to deliberately to set time aside on a regular basis to be in each other’s company without any interference. Make this a priority.

Pray together. Prayer has a wonderful and supernatural way of reigniting the affection and commitment you have for each other. God works in mysterious ways when you pray together and you will begin to notice that you are developing a more genuine and deeper love for each other. The kind of love that God gives is not based on feelings or emotions; it is the agape kind of love that make marriages last.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates