Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby

The Mommies Reviews

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Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby
Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby

I would like to introduce families to a new self-help children’s book Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby which I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

The Author hopes Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby inspires you to feel confident and excited about introducing your new two legged baby to your four legged babies! Which can be both scary but exciting.

Charlie is Homeschooling again this year and not only is he taking Home Economics but also a Health Class. David will be teach Sex Education. Lord help us all… Then I will be giving Charlie a Egg or a bag of flour like they do in school that will be his baby.

Having 3 dogs in our home Charlie will need to introduce them to his baby and having a copy of Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby Charlie will know how to prepare the Dogs. Since no, one we know has a baby were even going to walk through Walmart and record different sounds that Charlie can use to prepare our Dogs.

I also reminded Charlie if he didn’t want to use a Bag of Flour or a Egg we could purchase a baby that really laughs and cry’s which would be more realistic for our Dogs. If you have children would you like to join us in our class and we can loan you our copy of Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby .

David took Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby to work to share with one of the ladies in his office who is having a baby in the next couple months that raises and breeds dogs in her home. So she has a lot of Dogs to prepare.

Charlie even reminded me he would need to teach our Dogs to sit beside him when he would be holding the baby because they always like crawling in our laps. David reminded us that when we wanted to bring the dogs on a ride we would have to make a place in the car for them because they usually ride in the middle of the seat which is the place David and Charlie want to put the Car Seat


Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby
Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby

When you’re a mama to fur babies, it can be tricky when an actual baby comes into the mix. 

Think about it. Your new bundle of joy smells, sounds and moves like nothing your pet has ever seen before. And suddenly this strange, loud baby is taking up all your time and attention.

Rescue volunteer and new mom, Kara Venus, has created a delightful, vividly illustrated picture book, Harper and her Dogs: A tale about introducing your fur-babies to your new baby, (September 19,2022) that tackles this vexing problem. A family of four – two parents and two dogs – is about to welcome a new addition. But the parents worry their four-legged loves won’t be too thrilled to live with a new baby – a girl named Harper. This is every dog owner’s fear: How will our beloved pets adjust to a newborn?

The unique, realistic book gives soon-to-be parents important suggestions about how to prepare their dogs for this life-changing event. For example, it’s important to introduce fur-babies to the new baby’s sounds and equipment. That way, the dog can become familiar with some of the changes long before the baby arrives.

In Harper’s story, the dogs adjust beautifully, protecting, playing, and cleaning up after Harper. The dogs and Harper eventually become best friends. 

Kara shares her tips for introducing pets to a new baby including:

  • Freshen up on dog training– If the dog has never been to obedience school, it’s time to get an education. The Dogs need to learn to listen to commands, starting with simple ones like sit and stay. 
  • Prepare your pet for new sights and sounds- Turn on the infant swing, put up baby gates around the house and go for walks with the stroller. Play baby sounds like crying and cooing. 
  • Set boundaries– Let your dog become familiar with the new things, but also teach them boundaries. The bassinet and crib are off limits.
  • Set in place new routines before baby comes– If your pets have certain routines that you would like to shift, do so before baby arrives. 


Kara Venus lives in New England with her daughter, husband and two dogs. Her love for dogs and volunteering with local rescues inspired this story! She works as a marketing professional by day and enjoys skiing, gardening, and traveling. She hopes this story encourages readers to feel confident about welcoming a new family member, two-legged or four-legged!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates