From the time I was a child I’ve always watched the Harlem Globetrotters. In the past I used to think it would be fun watching them in a show. Then I grew up and had kids and the dream went to the back burner.
Charlie has moved on from Soccer and Wrestling to Basketball and David is never home because he is always at work. I thought it would be fun to get Valentines Day Tickets for David and Charlie to a game since the Harlem Globetrotters are playing in Fort Worth at Dickies Staduium.
The more I thought about tickets the more I wanted to bring my nephew Jason who loves BASKETBALL just as much as Charlie does. Although, I’m not sure his parents would let us bring him to a game. I’ve decided.
I could give them my ticket and Jason and his dad could go with Charlie and David giving them a bonding experience and use girls could have a Girls Day which my niece Lily has been asking to do with me for a while.
Although, the more I think about things the more I want to go with Charlie and David to see the Harlem Globetrotters because this would be the first time we’ve been to not only any Basketball Game but any Sports Game at all.
As Charlie gets older I need to take this time while I can. Because Charlie is 15 now and we all know it isn’t cool to hang out with his parents. Although, I keep PRAYING that this doesn’t happen but I know its coming soon.

The Harlem Globetrotters 2023 World Tour presented by Jersey Mike’s is coming with game like never before! Your favorite Globetrotter stars are bringing out their amazing basketball skill, outrageous athleticism and a non-stop LOL good time.
Join the Globetrotters as they go head-to-head against the Washington Generals who will stop at nothing to try and defeat the world’s winningest team! In 2023, every fan is getting in on this action… that means YOU, so get ready! It’s GLOBETROTTER game time!
HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS 2023 WORLD TOUR Tickets are now on sale!
Save up to 20% with Promo Code: USFAM
Bringing world-class basketball showmanship to arenas all over the U.S.
(Discount valid on tickets purchased at least One Week Prior to Game Date)
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates