Next Tuesday is President Lincoln’s Birthday. I would like to wish Mr. Lincoln a Happy Birthday. If your looking for homeschooling resources you can use to teach your students about President Lincoln you might want to check out Abraham Lincoln Research Site.
Charlie is out of school a half day on Friday and all day Monday. With David working I thought Charlie could use Abraham Lincoln Research Site. Which will allow us to work on Charlie’s reading and writing.

Abraham Lincoln Research Site
Age Range: 10-18 (Grades 5-12, with parental supervision)
Although we celebrate Presidents’ Day on February 18th this year, today, February 12th, is President Abraham Lincoln’s actual birthday.
Since we focus on science today, we found some interesting tidbits on
Abraham Lincoln Research Site about Abraham Lincoln related to science that you might not have known:
Abraham Lincoln is the only president to have a patent – a Lincoln-devised device for freeing ships that had run aground in shallow water.
Find out how an 11-year-old girl convinced Lincoln to grow a beard.
Did you know that two of Lincoln’s sons, Tad and Willie, kept goats as pets at the White House?
See photos of Lincoln’s beloved mutt, Fido.

Then, get out your hankies and read the touching account of Lincoln’s encounter with three orphaned kittens on the eve of the final military advance of the Civil War.
Dry your eyes and read all about how a turkey, intended for dinner, became a presidential pet!
Make sure you check out the rest of the site – it is just so beautifully developed, with such thorough and engaging commentary, photographs, primary sources, and wonderful anecdotes about Lincoln.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates