Happy Anniversary

The Mommies Reviews

Yesterday was mine and David’s Wedding Anniversary. I’m BLESSED beyond measure to be David’s wife. We have had our ups and downs but I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. Happy Anniversary, David.

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They say when your 16 and fall in love that it is “PUPPY LOVE“. I didn’t believe that was the case and I knew one day I would marry David. It just wasn’t the right time back then.

I had my heart set on Marrying a cowboy and yes, I was dating one but I Thank God we didn’t get married like we had wanted. Even though I hate to admit it the Cowboy wasn’t the right guy for me.

Tulips for you to take to our daughter and other family members who wasn’t here to celebrate our Anniversary with us. I love you forever and ever. Thank you, for loving me.

Throughout my life when I would be struggling the Lord would bring David into my life. Once I was on my feet David would move on. Each time I would remind myself if something was mine and I set it free if it returned it was meant to be.

Which is what happened when Suzzie was killed and my Ex left me homeless knowing I didn’t have a job and couldn’t take care of myself David stepped up and did.

Image result for saying if you love someone let them go

Finally 25 years after we meet we was Married on May 20, 2006 which we chose in Memory of my Daughter Suzzie as her Birthday is the 8th of May. David chose the date because he loved her just as much as I did.

God knew this was the perfect time for David and I to be together and to be married. Then a year later on December 16th, 2007 the Lord Blessed David and I with Charlie.

This was the surprise of our lives because I had a Cancer scare when my daughter was a Toddler and had been told I wouldn’t ever have another child and I was okay with that because I had David.

I can never thank the Lord enough for bringing David back into my life and for David marring me and making me a mom. Even though I was busy yesterday and forget to tell David how much I appreciate him and that I love him.

David never forgot our Anniversary and even took me out to dinner on Friday. I have the best husband ever. I couldn’t ask for a better man he works hard and goes above and beyond anything I could expect to make sure Charlie and I are happy.

I Pray for many more years as your wife David.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates