I wanted to share a new addition to our Christmas Gift Guide 24: Handizes I received a package of wipes that contains 24 Individually Packaged Cleansing Towelettes in exchange for this review.

I had planned on keeping Handzies Wipes near my desk when I’m working and have a snack I will be able to grab a towelette and wash my hands off without leaving my desk. I must confess. Inside the package is 24 individually Packaged Cleansing Towelettes.
Charlie saw the bag and decided we should split them between the back porch where we host out Picnics at to my office for me to use when working. Along with his bedroom to use at his desk. Along with a few in our car.
What can I say other than I’m the mom and we need to pick our battles. As much as I wanted to keep Handzies Wipes I let Charlie split them up and being the kind son he is he even made sure there was some under my Coffee Table for me to use at night.
Each cloth is made using Castile a Olive Oil based soap along with water and Essential Oils making Handzies Wipes safe to use on adults and children alike. I was worried that with the wipes having soap we would need to find places that has water to use our hands off but hat isn’t the case these wipes do not, require water which means no, sink is required. Thank the LORD because just like kids I always seem to get the messiest when there is no, sink and water around.
Handzies Wipes packages are easy to place inside bags and cars and nothing would get spilled or lost because they come in a resealable bag. Saving parents time/ The wipes are big enough for both children and adult’s hands. With Handzies Wipes using Essential Oils and Castille Soap Charlie even wiped his Puppies paws with them when they got in the mud. The towelettes didn’t hurt Charlie’s dog Bear.
Get a ‘soap and water clean’ anytime, anywhere! Individually packaged and perfect for lunchboxes, backpacks, sports bags and more, Handzies Soap + Water Wipes give you fresh, clean hands using only natural Castile Soap, Water and Essential Oils. Say goodbye to harsh hand sanitizers. Handzies do not contain alcohol, BZK, triclosan, artificial perfumes or dyes. The Towelettes are gentle and they can be used by the entire family!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates