Hands On Hands Animal Gloves

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share two new additions you will find inside our Christmas Gift Guide 24: Hands On Hands Animal Gloves  I received in exchange for this review.

Charlie has been planning on giving his Dog Bear a bath and when Charlie did I knew I would need to give Pheobie a bath as well. Last night while sitting on the couch David was petting Pheobie and she was shedding like crazy.

I went and got HandsOn Animal Gloves and I put the gloves on and ran my hands down Pheobie’s back and I was amazed at all the hair the glove took off her. Were also watching a friends do Gunner and the last couple days my tennis shoes have been covered in dog hair because he sleeps on them.

Charlie took Gunner outside and brushed him last night and we had enough hair to fill a small bag. Once Charlie finished with the dogs he washed the gloves off and used them on my Tennis Shoes and it lifted the hair off my shoes without messing them up.

David and Charlie’s hands are twice as big as mine but the gloves fit us all and there is a strap to fasten the gloved when there own so they do not twist and turn. The gloves have bumps or knobs on them and I thought they might pull the dogs hair but they didn’t and they didn’t get tangled up in there hair.

HandsOn Animal Gloves can be used wet or dry. To help get the shampoo down into the dogs skin and make sure the soap came out Charlie used the gloves in the tub to wash our dogs with. I can’t wait to share HandsOn Animal Gloves with David’s mom for her dogs.

With the Holidays around the corner I can’t wait to purchase more of the gloves in different colors including purple for me and red for David’s mom. The gloves also come in junior sizes to extra large so even children can use them with there dogs. My sister even said she would like to try Hands On Animal Gloves with her Cats.


HandsOn Animal Gloves are a revolutionary concept that reaches far beyond the traditional curry combs, mitts and shedders on the market today. Wet or dry, they won’t slip or fall off while providing you and your animals with a more thorough and enjoyable bathing and grooming experience.

HandsOn Animal Gloves lend a helping hand to your daily care for your beloved pets!

HandsOn offers a variety of gloves to lend a helping hand to add TLC and pamper your pets for good health all year round. Add solutions for a daily massage, for bath and groom time with their Grooming Gloves and to help their coat shine with Finishing Gloves.

Thank you,

Glenda,, Charlie and David Cates