The world’s biggest terror this year, COVID-19, has already jeopardized our daily lives and happiness. People are still getting accustomed to the “new normal” of canceled events, social distancing, wearing face masks, taking online classes, and offering virtual hugs! So with Halloween less than two months away now, many wonder if the virus will cancel this much-loved tradition, too.

For those with concerns about handling candy, you can put the treats in a corner or outside for upwards of six hours to let any possible virus die off, and to keep hands sanitized if you plan on handing over any treats to your costumed visitors. This is probably a better approach than having a bowl that many hands can reach into at one time Aside from that here are some of the fun ways we can still celebrate Halloween, new normal way:
1. Plan a safer trick-or-treat
For trick-or-treating, a lot will depend on your geographical location this year. In an area where there’s still ongoing community spread and are still on lockdown, trick-or-treating may not be a great idea. In areas where the community prevalence is lower, it would be okay to plan to trick-or-treat, but it’s going to be a different experience than it was last year.
The main risk of trick-or-treating lies in joining large groups, especially from other households and neighborhoods. Close contact (within 6 feet for more than 10 to 15 minutes) with anyone in large groups can highly increase the chance of falling sick.
A creative and safe way to trick-or-treat could be to do it in your own house. Let your little ones get dressed in their favorite costumes and then go trick-or-treating from room to room. You could answer each bedroom door with candy, or you could hide the candy throughout your home and make it like a scavenger hunt.
If you know your neighbors, consider coordinating a small spaced-out parade in the neighborhood, with everyone showing off their costumes, but while maintaining social distance.
2. Level up your Halloween decoration
Cheer up your kids, your home, and your neighborhood with DIY Halloween decor! Spray-paint those empty wine bottles and pickle jars. Buy floating luminaries to make your porch spookier, and use wall decals to decorate your rooms with creepy witches and bats. Throw in some glow-in-the-dark-slime and some pumpkin-flavored brownies and you’ll certainly bring smiles not only to your family’s faces but to everyone who will happen to pass by.
Keeping in mind how Halloween celebrations can be different this year, stores like a lot of supply stores have probably stocked up on many cool decorations.
3. Host Halloween Zoom parties and contests
Arrange for a virtual Halloween costume party with friends via Zoom. You can also plan for some fun games like bingo or charades or even a pumpkin-carving contest and arrange for prizes for the winners that can be delivered virtually, like gift cards!
4. Halloween isn’t Halloween without costumes
Whether the family has decided to have one theme in their Halloween costumes or let everyone go for their own favored outfit, dressing up makes the occasion even more festive despite the current restrictions.
It doesn’t need to be elaborate. A simple cloak or cape can transform any ordinary human being into a mysterious sorcerer from the middle ages. Have fun coming up with your own characters!
Sticking to traditions in these difficult times can be comforting, but let your creativity flow. You never know; maybe Halloween fun can be even bigger this year!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates