The Mommies Reviews

There are thousands of applications for ILR that are being refused nowadays. Recently there have been reports all over the media regarding Caribbean immigrants threatened to be deported now who migrated to the UK in the 1950 and ’60s, at the time when cities needed to be rebuilt after massive destruction as a result of  World war II and there was a severe need for labor.

Getting ILR is the final goal for many foreign citizens who make a bold decision to leave their Home country and move to the UK to work and settle in the UK. ILR not only allows foreign citizens to work and have a life in the UK without any restrictions but ILR holders can also apply for British Citizenship after 12 months have passed of getting indefinite leave.

With many ILR applications rejected you need to seek financial help to get desired results. is proud of getting many ILR applications approved especially in relatively complex cases.

Reason for ILR refusal?

Multiple situations might lead to Indefinite Leave to Remain application refusal. Some of these situations are as follows:

  •  The applicant failed to provide necessary evidence documents
  • The applicant is on Tier 2 visa and does not meet the minimum salary requirements mentioned in the law
  •  The applicant has a criminal record
  • ‘Tax error rectification’ – this means that you have been accused of declaring a false tax return, and you have been declared with undesirable character by UKVI

Rejection of Indefinite Leave to Remain can cause issues for you so get the things right the first time. You must take guidance from expert immigration lawyers who can take a look at your application before submitting it and guide you regarding presenting your case in front of the Home Office. If there is something that you think might lead to rejection then having an immigration lawyers’ assistance can improve your chances of getting positive results as he will prepare convincing legal arguments for you to convince the authorities to grant you your remain visa.

Resubmitting your application

In some scenarios, it would be a better approach if you just resubmit your application instead of going in appeal against the decision of the Home office regarding the rejection of your Indefinite Leave to Remain. For example, if your application was rejected due to an error in the application or you mistakenly failed to submit important evidence documents.

Administrative Review

It is an opportunity available for the people who submitted their applications under the Points Based System (PBS). Applicants are allowed to challenge the decision if they think that there was some mistake made by the authorities while reviewing the case. The information regarding the procedure of Administrative Review and the period until you are allowed to apply for Administrative Review will be mentioned in the initial Refusal letter you will receive.

Appealing the decision

You are allowed to appeal against the decision of rejection of application for ILR in case you believe that the rejection of the application of your rights that you can exercise under the European Convention on Human Rights.

You must appeal within the next 14 days of the date you receive the notice informing you regarding the decision of rejection of your application in case you are residing in the UK. If you are outside the UK then you will have 28 days from the day you received entry clearance for lodging the appeal with the tribunal. At we have assisted several people regarding the appeal against refusal of their Indefinite Leave to Remain application and got it approved. Contact our expert team in case you want to get the refusal decision reversed on your ILR application.

Judicial Review

In case you are unable to get the positive results of your application after you have tried every other review platform but you still consider that you are eligible for ILR then you can go for Judicial review. In this, the court will review your case and assess the validity of the decision that any Executive Branch of Government made regarding your ILR application.

In summary

There are many reasons for the refusal of ILR application but it does not always mean that now you would not be ever able to settle permanently in the UK. You can access the reasons of refusal and then appeal against the decision by eliminating the reason for the rejection if possible or legally justify your eligibility for ILR despite the stated reason for the rejection. You must find immigration services at this step so you can get a positive decision from the appeal.