Guess who’s joined our Holiday Gift Guide

Holiday Gift Guide

Guess who’s joined our Holiday Gift Guide So let me tell you  I was both excited and Blessed when said they would work with me. As I was able to pick out a pair of readers for both David and I.

In exchange for a review as well as a spot in this years Holiday Gift Guide. Now be watching at the beginning of January or end of December for both mine and Davids thoughts on the

As for me I piked out a pair of Readers called Sophie. Sophie comes in either pink or purple. Can you guess which color I asked for? Well I will tell you I asked for them in a pink.


Now, Dear Santa I would love having this Upright Reading Glass Holder under the Christmas tree for me. Especially if it holds 2 pair of glasses as I wouldn’t always have to hunt for mine.

So our glasses arrived from the other day and I couldn’t wait to see what they looked like and I was both blessed and happy as David ended up with several pairs I know he will enjoy. As well as being able to use them at work.

But I was a little sad as the pair of I picked out wasn’t in the box but I know God had a reason they wasn’t. So I will not complain. I will just rejoice in what I was able to get for David.

So thank you for taking the time to read “Guess Who’s Joined Our Holiday Gift Guide Now I have a question for you do you use Readers and if so where do you purchase them at and why.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates