Hickies No Tie Shoestrings

The Mommies Reviews

As a parent I would like to share a secret about myself with you. The secret is I’m one of the most impatient people you will ever meet so waiting for someone to tie there shoes drives me up a wall. Or when our children leaves the house and there shoes aren’t tied it makes me furious.  I swear this past month Charlie has been trying to drive me crazy as he refuses to tie his shoes. No, matter how many times his grandmother and I tell him.

In fact Granny Shery has told Charlie if this doesn’t change she is going to bring Payton up to Charlies classroom and sing to him because it worries her Charlie will trip and he can fall over the strings or trip someone else on the shoe strings. The extra arch support insoles we got Charlie to use in basketball isn’t being used properly..

Now I don’t have to worry about that because I found Hickies no tie shoes stings which  will cut out the problem of Charlie having to tie his shoes. Hickies stays tied at all times and all you have to do is slide your shoes on and your good to go.

I have a question for you what’s holding you back from checking out Hickies for yourself. They are for both adults and children alike and they come in all colors. Even men shouldn’t have a problem finding a pair of Hickies for there shoes. Especially if they have trouble bending over like my dad does or there hands won’t work the way they should. Which is one of the problems I have when trying to tie my own shoes.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates