Guardians of Rescue is seeking help to pull off the rescue mission on the Texas border

SMITHTOWN, New York – (July 25, 2023) –Those who have spent time along the Texas and Mexico border know how heartbreaking it can be to see stray dogs walking around. Drug cartels have brutally used dogs to transport drugs across the border for decades, a practice that is still common today. One U.S. Army soldier is seeing it all firsthand, and in doing so, he befriended a dog that he can’t bear to leave behind. Guardians of Rescue is on a mission to rescue the dog and get him to the soldier’s home, where his family will adopt him.
“When our military members ask for help, we don’t hesitate to step in and do what we can,” explains Niki Dawson, Director of Emergency Response for Guardians of Rescue. “We are always happy to help, but it’s a collaborate effort, and we need people in the community to help support it.”
While on deployment to aid in the Texas border, Staff Sergeant Brian witnessed the horrendous things done to dogs along the border. The cartels are known for cutting the dogs open, hiding drugs, and sending them across the border. Once they reach the other side, they are brutally cut back open so the drugs can be retrieved, and then they are left to die and be in agony. As the soldiers did their work, they saw the dogs that wandered the border area or had died due to their injuries.
One day, Staff Sgt. Brian and others spotted a dog hanging out near them. They knew that if they didn’t take action to help protect the dog, it would be a matter of time before he was also brutally used by the cartel and left to die. The men decided to build a shelter for the dog in the brush, where he could stay safe. Each day, the dog became a part of their daily routine and a source of happiness. He also became their mascot.
Staff Sgt. Brian told his wife about the dog she helped name Rio, and she suggested he adopt him and bring him home. That’s when he was told about Guardians of Rescue and reached out to them for help. With all the shelters in the area full, they immediately sprung into action to get to Texas, rescue the dog and get him to safety. They only have 24 hours to pull it off, and the dog has no medical records to show, but the plan is already in action and will be a success.
“We are going to save Rio from the drug cartel,” added Dawson. “We are on that mission and will not stop until he is safe with Staff Sgt. Brian’s family.”
Guardians of Rescue helps military members to be reunited with their rescued pets with the help of animal lovers everywhere. They provide various services to help save animals, reunite people and pets, investigate animal cruelty cases, and offer disaster response assistance, such as in the aftermath of hurricanes. Their work has impacted people and animals around the world. They can only continue their work through the generosity of those who donate to support the cause. To help with this mission visit:
About Guardians of Rescue
Headquartered in New York, Guardians of Rescue is an organization whose mission is to protect the well-being of all animals. It provides aid to animals in distress, including rehabilitation, assisting other rescue groups, and supporting families, both military and not, who need assistance due to economic factors. To learn more about Guardians of Rescue, visit the site
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates