I wanted to share a new children’s book I received in exchange for this review. Join my family as we check out Grandma Magic’s Pancake School: The Adventures of Tyler and Twilly by Debbie Wolski. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the products you purchase.
I sat down this morning to read to Grandma Magic’s Pancake School: The Adventures of Tyler and Twilly when Charlie walked up. Charlie and I enjoyed looking at the cover of the book and we wish we could go inside the Tree House. Would you want to go with us?
Charlie and I liked the title of the book although Charlie said he wished my mom was here his grandmother to make Pancakes with him like Grandma Magic did. Charlie and I were excited to find out where flipping Pancakes would take everyone and we wanted to join Pancake School Would you want to come with us?
Grandma sold her home to purchase the Tree she lived in and she had so much fun fixing her home up and meeting the Woodland creatures. She opened Pancake School. You should see all the animals including Foxes waiting for the school to open.
In her home she set up stations for everyone to have there own spot to create there Pancakes in. The Stove is hot and now its time to cook the Pancakes. The Turtle left to get a drink and when he got back the bottom of his Pancake was burned. Do you know why?
Twilly a Horse turned her fire up high because she didn’t want to be last. Can you guess what happened? I’m not going to tell you because you need to check out Grandma Magic’s Pancake School: The Adventures of Tyler and Twilly to find out.
Pinky the Rabbie was next and she made a mess which she thought happened because she was to little Do you think that is why? Foxy twin #1 didn’t even get to cook a Pancake because he was to busy talking and all action.
Before you get sad because there isn’t any Pancakes just watch there is one more creature and to see what happens to him you need to check out Grandma Magic’s Pancake School: The Adventures of Tyler and Twilly.
Grandma asked them all questions which you could ask your children as you make Pancakes with them and have them make the same mistakes to show them how things can turn around. If your #Homeschooling you could make the Pancakes in your Homeschool Cooking Class.
Through this book we learned to flip Pancakes like feelings and we will turn things around. Which we all need to do at times. Grandma also reminded them to add in LOVE which we should do with everything we do.
I like how the Author included a recipe to make our own Pancakes in the book. Making this children’s book for Elementary age children although both children and adults of all ages can learn from this children’s book.
About the book:
Wouldn’t it be great if life were as simple as flipping a Pancake? Debbie Wolski creates a charming collection of Woodland characters who inhabit Grandma Magic’s Tree house. Therein, lies Pancake School, where flipping the Pancake right is the only rule! Our aspiring Chefs encounter challenges and life lessons while learning to make Pancakes.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates