Okay I ‘m tired of being inside. I need a Girls Day Out. I ‘ve made a list of places I want to do once we can go outside. Have you made a Bucket List as well? Is there someone you want to see?
I want to go to lunch with my best friend Debbie Finney Sutton to Pancho’s in Arlington, Texas. Debbie and I ‘ve been going to Pancho’s forever. I miss seeing her and just talking and hanging out. By the time all of this is over its going to be time to begin Christmas Shopping and attending Craft Shows together if we don’t get out soon.

Alyssa Torrence and I need to go walking and stop by Starbucks for a cup of coffee for her. Heck, we might even go to the movies or color our hair. Who knows what we will do.

With my sister I would like to have dinner or lunch at Red Hot & Blues because we love there Potato Salad and then stop by Applebee’s for there $1 drinks.

I would like to take my niece Lily to get her nails done and to pick out a book. If we have time we could go to Olive Garden for lunch because she loves the Bread Sticks. Then a movie if there is anything playing she would like to see. That her parents don’t want to take her to.

Last but not least with my mother in law Sherry hasn’t been able to have her Back Surgery done I would like to get her a Massage and Leslie to as shes been stuck in the house with Elijah. Once we finish we could go get there nails done.

Nancy Moore Smith I would love having lunch or dinner with. We still need to visit the Circus Graveyard. Or we could go to the Craft Stores in Dallas Nancy mentioned. Maybe find a small town and just look through hte Museums for a Blog Excursion.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates