I thought I would share a new book with you which is from a new genera I don’t usually read or even share. Before you ask it’s a Memoir called Gingered: A Memoir by Ryan G. Murphy (Author). I received a PDF copy from Voracious Readers and the Author in exchange for this review. Inside this post are my affiliate links which if you click on them and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the products you purchase.
Before I share my thoughts with you I would like to let you know there is a lot of bad language which may turn some people off. As well as a description about IVF which makes this book more for grownups and the Author does get pretty descriptive so it might not be what a lot of peole would want to hear but didn’t bother me.
This coming of age story takes you on a journey from being doted on as a child with red hair, being an awkward teenager who tries to get rid of it, to finding true love and understanding the values of life, love and family that maybe couldn’t have happened if Ryan didn’t have red hair. I enjoyed knowing he was from Staten Island and hearing about his grandfather and the book made me miss mine but not in a bad way.
I also liked knowing this book started out as a blog telling me people eve like myself could be a writer if we put our minds to it. I laughed and cried throughout the story and I can’t wait to reread the book with my friends. My best friend Marla growing up was a red head and I still remember her saying she would rather be bald on top that a red head because it made her stand out and she didn’t like that.
If she hadn’t passed away I could have seen her and the Author being friends. I was impressed he joined a gang and I’m sure it was scary but I wouldn’t mind being in a gang for a day or two as log as I didn’t have to hurt anyone. How about you? There is bullying in the book which Charlie delt with in school so I was able to share someone else perspective with him.
About the book:
With his debut book, Gingered, redhead Ryan G. Murphy brings readers on a hilarious and heartwarming journey featuring true short stories spanning nearly 40 years – from his earliest memory (auditioning for a 1980’s soap opera), to being initiated into a notorious New York City gang (The Hoods), to being on the lam from the FBI. Gingered is for anyone who has ever felt insecure and for everyone who has experienced the magic of learning to laugh at themselves.
Praise for “Gingered.”
“A born humorist, Ryan Murphy finds comedy in the universal experiences that bind us. Gingered is at once laugh-until-you-cry hilarious, achingly human, packed with nostalgia, and full of life. I cannot recommend this book enough—these stories demand to be read aloud and shared with others.”
– Lindsay Newton, Editor & Publishing Consultant
“Genuine humor is untouchable and Ryan can’t be touched. His debut book hits the center of the bullseye. I’m certain you’ll absolutely love how enjoyable these stories are.”
– Logan Gelbrich, author of Going Right: A Logical Justification for Pursuing Your Dreams
“Murph has opened the vault to his life, revealing a treasure of hilarity, heart, and hope. The laugh-out-loud moments brought me to tears. He makes ordinary, extraordinary. This is a must read!”
– Sue Salvemini, author of the bestselling Leadership by Choice
“Ryan takes the reader right back to the angst, the awkwardness, and everything that goes with being in the tween stage of life. It’s funny and painful all at once.”
– Author Darcy Nybo, on Ryan’s award-winning short story, Roller Magic
“I can assure you that Murph has never been wanted by the FBI, despite what one of his hilarious stories within this book will try to get you to believe.”
– Eric O’Neill, former FBI field operative and author of the bestseller, Gray Day
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Meet the Author: Ryan G. Murphy (Author)

Ryan G. Murphy (“Murph”) is a redheaded humorist from New York. He writes true stories from his life, which cover a range of topics including: the time he tried out (unsuccessfully) for a soap opera as a toddler, his indoctrination into a gang after reading “The Outsiders,” and his maniacal obsession with internet celebrity cats. He lives with his wife Pamela, who is allergic to cats, and their hypoallergenic puppy, Barkley, who is a Cavapoo. Barkley expects to welcome a younger brother in Spring 2023, but the human kind.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates