I love finding new and unique Gifts to put inside a basket I put together for David and Charlie for Halloween. Or inside the Christmas Stockings which is why I am excited to share GeeKey Muti-Tool with everyone.

GeeKey Muti-Tool is a tool like no, other. First of all it does look like a key in a way but you can tell its not a normal key you would use to start a car or open a door with. Geekey is a solid chunk of 420 Stainless Steel featuring over 16+ tool functions that each provide multiple uses. Geekey’s durability and ultra compact design allow this to be an easy companion for your every day carry.
I like the black background the Geekey comes on but the writing was hard for me to read because its so small. If you have trouble you can do like I did and check out the website that tells you everything Geekey does.

Charlie will be able to use Geekey in his Homeschool Classes as there is a metric ruler. I like that when I place Geekey inside the Glove Compartment of my car I would always have a Phillips Screwdriver which we never know when we might need to fix something.
There is a Bike Spoke Key which Charlie and I plan on trying out in his Homeschool Auto Mechanics class to see how how a Bike Spoke Key works with bikes. Because Charlie and I hadn’t heard of this before. Had you heard of a Bike Spike Key and do you use one?
Going Camping or on a Picnic don’t forget Geekey which has a Can Opener and also a Bottle Opener to open all the cans and bottles you or your friends and family bring on these outings easy to open as you never have to search for a opener.
FYI this tool working with PIPES and no, I don’t condone smoking and this is the only reason I struggled with letting either Charlie or David have Geekey not that Charlie would smoke anything. But David likes Cigars and Pipes and with David’s heart condition this isn’t good for him.
Geekey is an innovative, compact multi-tool like nothing seen before…it’s truly a work of art with engineering that combines everyday common tools into one sleek little punch that delivers endless capability. Geekey features many common tools that have been used for decades and proven essential for everyday fixes . . .
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates