My family attended a Media Event at Gaylord Texan’s Lone Star Christmas this weekend.
We were invited to a premier of ICE! Featuring Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Snow Tubing. In exchange for this post. I would like to let you know the thoughts in this post are all mine and my families.
Everything Christmas In One Extraordinary Place is what you will find at Gaylord Texan’s Lone Star Christmas not only this year but Christmas past as well as future Christmas. I would like to let you know Charlie, David and I were blessed to bring Aiden with us. Which is a God send to his mom Tammy who is a single mom and can’t afford to take her son to events like ICE! Featuring Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer When possible David and I like to bless her family with events because it allows Tammy to have time to herself.
As we were driving to Gaylord Texan Charlie had so much fun preparing Aiden for what all we were going to see. A well as the Activities they would be able to do. It was so nice to see Charlie excited about attending ICE! Featuring Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and asking how long until we would be there. Charlie has been staying by himself more and more and not wanting to do things.
All because of Bullying taking place in his class again. Did you know that the last time this happened Charlie tried to kill himself? David and I have been Praying Charlie doesn’t sink into depression and try and take his own life again.
Now that were able to visit places like ICE! Featuring Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! I could see the old Charlie and since attending the event yesterday Charlie has been like a child again.
I would like to thank both the Lord and Gaylord Texan for hosting this Media Event and inviting my family because I never thought 11 years ago when I begin the blog that I would be lucky enough to attend events like ICE! Featuring Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Which has been a Godsend to our family because we couldn’t afford tickets.
I would like to let you know this year’s Theme of ICE! Featuring Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer which my family couldn’t wait to attend. Once we walked we were asked if we wanted to watch a 5 minute movie.
Both Charlie and Aiden surprised me when they said yes, they wanted to watch the movie. Charlie, Aiden and I sat down on the floor and had fun answering the questions.
Once the movie was over we went to get our coats which Gaylord Texan furnishes because it is only 9 degrees inside. I stood in the door to see both Charlie and Aiden’s expressions and they were in awe.
Aiden couldn’t believe everything was made out of ice. Both boys walked through each exhibit and took the time to read the signs which meant they had there reading done for class on Monday.
David reminded me there was a Bar called On The Blocks Ice Bar and asked me if Gaylord Texan had the Bar open yet. I let David know I didn’t know if it was open.
David said if the Bar was he would liked to have a Beer. I just shook my head at David and said how can you ask for a Beer it’s to cold for one. Like all men David said its never to cold for a Beer.
As we walked around David agreed with me about the Beer and it being to cold. David let me know once we got out and into the Lobby/ Gift Shop or Snack Bar area he would purchase Hot Chocolate for us. I was excited because this would be our first time to purchase Hot Chocolate and Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls.
Charlie and I had fun discussing ways we can add Ice! to this weeks Lesson Plans and I can’t wait to work on the lessons this week because we saw things Charlie and I hadn’t thought of studying in the past which we can turn into Lesson Plans.
As well as bring Charlie back to do more activities like Ice Skating and to visit the Gingerbread Decorating Corner. Where we will be able to decorate cookies including a Snowman, Family of Gingerbread Men or a Gingerbread House. As we were walking through Gaylord Texan David let me know he would see if Charlie and I could come back and spend the night.
Charlie’s Birthday is December 16th and both Charlie and Aiden would like to participate in the Reindeer Games Scavenger Hunt and also Holiday Escape Rooms.
I let the boys know if I brought them back to spend the night that they were going to have to allow me to purchase a Bear from Build A Bear because I have always wanted to make a Monkey from Build A Bear which I haven’t ever had the opportunity to do.
I asked David what he would like to do if we came and spent the night at Gaylord Texan and he let me know he wanted to bring us to Rudolph’s Holly Jolly Breakfast because David knew having breakfast with Rudolph would be something I would enjoy.
I asked David what he would enjoy doing and not something David thought Charlie or I would like. When David surprised me and said he would like to come back for Mardi Gras New Years Eve.
Which was nice to know because now I know a Gift I can get David for Christmas that he isn’t expecting. Also David wouldn’t purchase Mardi Gras New Years Eve for himself. If I am able to purchase tickets for David this would allow us to have a Date Nite. Which David and I don’t usually get due to not having the extra money or anyone to watch Charlie.
Although now that Charlie is older there are plenty of things for Charlie to do. Or people for Charlie to stay with while David and I have a much needed Date Night. I can’t wait to purchase our tickets and ask our friends if they would like to join us for a night out on the town. I just wish we had the money to spend the night although I know if it’s God’s will it will happen.
Here is a list of events happening at Gaylord this year:
ICE! Featuring Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

• Walk-through holiday attraction, kept at a chilly 9°F
• Two million pounds of ice sculptures hand-carved by 35 artisans from Harbin, China.
• Six ice slides
• Colorful ice sculptures depicting the story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
• A stunning crystal clear ice sculpture scene of the Nativity
Christmas Carousel which is new this year and something my daughter Suzzane and Uncle Chuck would have loved. I wish I had been able to ride the Carousel but the boys’ didn’t want to and I didn’t want to go on it by myself. David said if its possible he will bring me back and we can ride the Carousel together and I can’t wait. I am so excited.
Snow Tubing
It’s going to SNOW for an eighth year in a row at Gaylord Texan! Thrilling twelve-lane, tubing hill that is filled with fun factory craziness and thrilling hills covered in REAL SNOW! There is no cooler family-friendly Christmas activity in Dallas. (Double riding tubes are available for parents with small children.) **Height requirement must be met in order to ride**
Charlie and Aiden did Snow Tubing as well at Ice! Both boys had so much fun they didn’t want to stop. Although they was winded and a little cold I could tell they were enjoying themselves. It didn’t even bother them climbing the stairs dragging the tubes up to the top. Which would have exhausted me.
David even thought of going Snow Tubing with them but decided to let the boys go on there own and walked around me with. To David this was huge because I usually will not leave Charlie someplace I am not familiar with but inside the Hall I knew they would be safe and could be kids for a while.
Inside Ice! both Charlie and Aiden went down the Ice! Slide and both Aiden and Charlie both the Slide and Snow Tubing. Aiden even asked his mom Tammy once we took him home if Tammy would bring him and Charlie back so they could go Snow Tubing as well as Ice Skating. Which let me know this was a huge hit with both boys.
Gaylord Texan Ice Skating
Charlie has been Ice Skating once last year but wasn’t able to go for long. Because the place we went was so busy and it was late. We needed to get David home for work the next morning.
As soon as Charlie saw places announcing Ice Skating he has been asking to go. Although, I didn’t know Gaylord Texan was hosting Ice Skating this year.
Or I would have planned on Charlie and Aiden to Skate. Now that we know they are hosting Ice Skating will give us a reason to come back to Grapevine and to Gaylord, Texan this year.
Enjoy a perfect day or evening under the stars by going on a yuletide glide at Gaylord Texan’s 6,000-square-foot outdoor ice skating rink. Christmas in Grapevine has never been more fun!
Take a ride on the timeless carousel in our Christmas Village. Kids can choose the horse of their dreams and enjoy the holly-jolly holiday atmosphere. This experience is designed for children up to 42″ inches tall.
Santa’s Snow Throw

I really wanted to take part in the Gingerbread Decorating Corner but decorating cookies wasn’t something Charlie and Aiden wanted to do. Although if we had just had Charlie and I.
Or David, Charlie and I then I know Charlie would have decorated Gingerbread Cookies with me in the blink of an eye. Decorating cookies when your friends are around isn’t cool….
Don’t tell Charlie as I wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings but this is when I miss Suzzane. Or I wish my step daughter Leslie was with us. Or my nieces Payton and Lily who would have enjoyed the Gingerbread Decorating Corner with me. I might just have to set up a Girls Night and we come back out to the Gaylord Texan to decorate cookies for Santa.

If Charlie and I were able to come back to Gaylord, Texan and spend the night I plan on us taking part in Mrs. Claus Christmas Traditions because this isn’t something Charlie has ever had the opportunity to take part in. Nor, have I so it’s time to make new memories before Charlie is to old.