G is for Gross

The Mommies Reviews

All boys love anything gross no, matter what age they are. Add a dog ad men and boys are in Hog-heaven. Which is why I’ m excited to share G is for Gross by Greg Paprocki a BabyLit Book a Gibbs Smith Books. I received in exchange for this review.

I sat G is for Gross on Charlie’s desk last night for Charlie to share with his dad when he got home from work. Letting Charlie know this was what I wanted Charlie to read in his Homeschool Reading Class. I went back downstairs and began to clean the kitchen. Charlie walked up beside me and said mom look at the Dog on here. Would you want him?

I told Charlie I didn’t think so because just look at the mess he created in the house and how everything had slobber on it. We would have to clean it all and I wouldn’t want to touch that stuff. Charlie said he didn’t either, but we could get the Dog and Dad could clean up after him. Problem is David isn’t home a lot of the time.

G is for Gross s a book I knew Charlie could relate to because as a boy he loves anything that is gross. Charlie couldn’t wait to share this book with my nephews Jason and Joe. Charlie is teaching Joe his ABC’s and G is for Gross is the perfect book to use. Although I don’t condone teaching children about boogers because knowing Joe he will torment his sisters with them and yes, they are gross.

A is for algae and Charlie had to explain to Jow wat this is which is a teaching moment and something Charlie can study in his Homeschool Science Class. C is for clogged and no, I don’t want a clogged toilet or D a dirty diaper. Do you? E is for ew and that can be the slobbery kisses from our Dogs.

F is for fart. Please, don’t tell Charlie or David this because they think it’s fun to fart for, no reason. They stink so bad I have to leave the house. Are yur men like this as well? H is for hairball, and we don’t have a Cat, so Charlie hasn’t had to deal with a hairball unless it’s the hair his dad is losing and leaves in the sink or shower. Which takes us back to e and eww.

L is for Leeches, and I want nothing to do with that. P is for poop, and we do enough of that and end up with enough for our dogs. Please don’t remind us of poop. V is for vomit and please don’t vomit because I don’t want to clean it up. Do you. Then there is z and no, I am not going to tell you what z stands for.

You need to pick up your own copy of G is for Gross to find out. G is for Gross is a board book for younger children to teach them their alphabet. But older boys will have fun looking at all the gross things. Charlie and I will be using each of the letters in our Language Arts Class to create stories for our Creative Writing Class. Would you like to join us and share a story or two with us.


Read with your toddler from A to Z about all things funny, silly, and gross that kids will always find amusing.

A hilarious collection of illustrations for young readers featuring funny, silly, and gross words that kids—and parents—will laugh and laugh over. Some letters are B for booger, F for fart, P for poop, and R for rotten egg. Illustrator Greg Paprocki’s popular BabyLit alphabet board books feature his classically retro mid-century art style that’s proven to be a hit with both toddlers and adults.

Greg Paprocki works full-time as an illustrator and book designer. He has illustrated several Curious George books, the Little Leonardo series, and the BabyLit alphabet board books including S Is for Santa, B Is for BooE Is for Easter, and C Is for Camping. Released early last year in the new Count and Find series were Day of the Dead, Christmas, and Trees. Greg’s Gibbs Smith titles have sold over 658,100 copies. He lives in Omaha, Nebraska.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates