#FunFamilyFitness: Day 9 – Clean A Room

The Mommies Reviews

I’ve started a challenge for Charlie to use in Homeschool. #FunFamilyFitness an the purpose of the challenge is to get Charlie off of Electronics for at least 30 minutes a day. During the challenge the Charlie can’t even be on his phone unless he is taking pictures to share on Instagram. Or to turn on music that will get Charlie moving.

#FunFamilyFitness is to get David more involved in Charlie’s schooling. It’s to help get David moving as well. Today we were to clean a room. This can be any room in our home. If you finish one room and still have time then take a walk or clean another room.

Remember as your cleaning to talk to each other. It doesn’t matter what you talk about as long as you talk. Cleaning a room will get me moving. Heling me get my steps in and lose the weight I’ve been struggling to lose. While spending time with David and Charlie. I’m so excited to get started. Would you like to join us in our #FunFamilyFitness Challenge: Day 9 – Clean A Room.

If so share you and your family cleaning the room and use Hashtags #FunFamilyFitness Challenge and @TheMommiesReviews on Instagram and on Facebook

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates